Determine character in database field

  • Hi All,

    How can I tell what the contents of a field are? We have some records which seem to be causing trouble on a particular field(GivenName). When I look at the record via enterprise manager the field looks empty i.e. it does not say <Null>. I used used transact sql to try determine what was in the field but the statement 'select ascii(GivenName) from table where id = 12345' comes back blank(not null). The statement 'select len(GivenName) from table where id = 12345' returns 0. Im stumped!!! Any suggestions would be much appreciated.



  • Could it be a zero-length string? Try running

    select *

    from table where id = 12345 and GivenName = ''

    If the record is still returned, you've cracked it.



    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Yes this does return the record.....but Im curious as to why the problem has surfaced in the last month and only for new records. This process has been going on for two years without a hitch. Could it be coincidental that new hardware has been rolled out recently? Is there a way to test for special characters which may not be visible?




  • Sounds like a process/application change to me. Hardware should have nothing to do with this.

    As far as testing for invisible characters is concerned, you were on the right track - use the

    WHERE LEN(fieldname) > 0

    syntax to find dodgy stuff. This should capture everything apart from zero-length strings and NULLs (to my knowledge).


    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • What is the data type of the column.

    Try giving DATALENGTH rather len.

    Do this if you running the query output to grid.

    Run the query, after pressing Ctrl + T (result in text)

    and check what's that character.



  • I must admit - I just assumed that a field called GivenName would be a string

    DATALENGTH is a more general function, as it accepts arguments of any data type (LEN requires a string argument).


    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Im not getting anywhere, I'd better start from the other end.....We are opening a text file in Excel which was exported from an SQL database using predefined widths for each field. When I open the text file in Excel, the records causing problems seem fine i.e. Each of the fields are aligned.

    However, when I open the file in Excel, what happens is that records where the GivenName is blank seem to be grabbing the first letter of the Surname field, hence throwing the rest of the fields for that record out of whack.

    Im just totally stumped why this has started occuring now. Or maybe, it has always been occuring and no one noticed until now? I dont think this is very likely however.

    Im struggling to come to a solution. Help

  • Presumably you have a reason for using fixed-width files rather than [tab] or [comma] delimited? A mainframe background, perhaps

    When you open the fixed-width file in Excel, are you using the 'Tools/Text to Columns' feature to split it into separate fields? If you are, and it's still failing, it suggests that the extract file is not uniformly fixed-width after all.

    It would probably help if you could post the query that generates the export file.


    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Another piece to the puzzle....the import works fine in Access 2000. Doh!

  • Hi Phil

    The method for creating hasnt changed. The application front end offers the user the type of delimiter they want, then a bcp call is made.

    set @strCommandText = 'bcp "select ' + @strColumnList + ' from ' + @strDatabaseName + '..' + @strTableName + ' with (READUNCOMMITTED)" queryout "K:\BCP\' + @strContactListFileName + '.txt" -S' + @strServerName + ' -U' + @strUserName + ' -P' + @strUserPassword + ' -c -t' + @strFileSeparator + ' -r\n'




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