DatePart Function

  • Hi,

    Is there any function to seperate the Date and Time from DateTime field

    for eg: i have to split "1/1/1994 6:46:00 PM"  in to

    1/1/1994 and  6:46:00 PM seperately




  • Hello,

    I would look up the Convert funtion is the Books on Line.  Here is an example of how to use convert.  Also, if you NEED it to be of datetime type, you can use convert to change it back to datetime after you have converted to varchar.

    Here is an example for you.

    select convert(varchar(8), getdate(), 112), convert(varchar(8), getdate(), 108)


  • Hi,

    This may work for you

    select convert(varchar(11),getdate(),101) + ' and ' + RIGHT(convert(varchar(30), getdate(), 130),13)


    Prasad Bhogadi

  • ok thanks....


  • I used this UDF alot to return only the date part. I got from some site. It is also possible to get the time part mathematically. I just forget the URL though!


    @ADate datetime )

    RETURNS datetime AS 


     declare @DateVal datetime

     set @DateVal = CAST(FLOOR(CAST(@ADate AS float)) AS datetime)

     return @DateVal


    AUXilliary COMmunication 1

  • There was a long thread on this topic recently. The concensus was that the most efficient way of stripping the time from a datetime value was :

    DateAdd(d, 0, DateDiff(d, 0, GetDate()))

    Running DateDiff on the result of this then can give you the time part.

  • Sorry your order is incorrect should read


    DateAdd(d, DateDiff(d, 0, GetDate()), 0)


    However that doesn't strip the time in reality just sets to 0 which is midnight but for calculations is the effect of stripping the time and many applications recognize midnight as no time value to display. But for the sake of the original question the folks using Convert using a convert format are right as to the best way to get the values sepeartely (at least as far as I have seen to date).

  • Oops!! Thanks.

  • To get the date, try using the following:

    Cast(Left(@Date,11) as Datetime)

    Replace @Date with your date variable.



  • Don't ever manipulate date through varchar without using a defined style, because it depends on the regional settings. This way it may or may not work on different servers.

    Do it this way:

    CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 101), 101)

    It doesn't matter if you use any style (101, 102, 103, 104, ...) as long as it's the one that shows only date and both conversions use the same style.

    You can similarly use style 108 to keep only time, but since SQL Server has no time-only datatype you automatically get 1/1/1900 date apended.

    Of course there is allways a way to stitch it together using DATEPART and DATEADD.

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