Data Extraction Tools

  • Currently using SQL Stored Procedure to write a script

    joining multiple to form a data and insert into another table.


    Is there any other data extraction tools can replace above?

  • There's not a lot of information here to go on.

    Can you walk through the scenario your trying to describe?


    From what I see it as you have a number of tables in a database, you join them together, you insert the record set into another table in the same database or a different database on the same server.

    For this stored procedures are good, you know exactly what your getting as it's stored code.

    But I guess that's not ultimately what your asking here?


  • Thank replied.


    From what I see it as you have a number of tables in a database, you join them together, you insert the record set into another table in the same database or a different database on the same server.

    My answer: Is different database, and different table, the 'dataset' from source select definitely need go through value mapping.

    For this stored procedures are good, you know exactly what your getting as it's stored code.

    But I guess that's not ultimately what your asking here?

    My answer: Yes, currently using the way, select from DB1.Table A, join DB2.Table B, and insert into another database different table after the field/value being massage. 



  • If things are staying on the same server, then yes stored procs are a perfect way to do your requirements.


    If things where going cross server, then things like linked servers or SSIS would come into play.  There are other methods to move data between servers, a simple search on "alternatives to SSIS" would yield a lot of results.


    But it really does come down to the needs of the problem trying to solve.  For what you want to do, a stored proc is ideal.

  • INSERT INTO OtherDatabase.Schema.Table (<field list>)

    SELECT <field list>


    Or you could

    INSERT INTO db.schema.table (field list)

    EXEC storedProcName @param1='x', @param2='y';

  • Thanks all noted.

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