cursor error msg

  • I'm new to sql server, and I've been searching thru discussions on this site regarding cursors. I'm having one problem in particular, I can run a query in my development environment, but when I put that query in a cursor, then run the script, I get an error message:

    OutputQry: Cursor not returned from query

    The much abbreviated code is:


    Declare @v_case_nbrvarchar( 20)

    Declare @v_case_idchar( 20 )

    Declare @ProcErrint

    err_messchar( 40 )

    DECLARE get_cases CURSOR LOCAL for

    SELECT rc.case_id

    from dbo.REAL_CASE rc

    -- Begin Main procedure --


    Open get_cases

    WHILE ( 0 = 0) Begin

    Fetch Next

    Into @v_case_id

    From get_cases


    deallocate get_cases


    I should mention my development environment is a product called "DB_designer", connected to a SQLExpress 2005 instance running on a desktop PC w/Win2k SP4 w/ 225,000 KB RAM

    I'm wondering if this is a resource issue, or am I overlooking something really elementary?


  • It doesn't appear that the cursor ever stops, so you're running off the end of the result set.



    instead of the 0=0 condition.

    0 indicates a successful fetch, anything else should leave the loop.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • David, thank you, but I got the same result when I made that change:

    -- Begin Main procedure --


    Open get_cases

    WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 Begin

    Fetch Next

    From get_cases

    Into @v_case_id


    deallocate get_cases


  • -- Begin Main procedure --


    Open get_cases

    WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 Begin

    Fetch Next

    From get_cases

    Into @v_case_id


    CLOSE get_cases

    deallocate get_cases



    "There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."
    Tony Hoare

    "If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur." Red Adair.

  • I would say if at possible try to avoid cursors. Think if you can change query so that it can be direct SQL instead of cursor



  • Since you say your code is "much abbreviated", it's difficult to see where the error could's the syntax that "should" work...

    -- Begin Main procedure --
    OPEN get_cases
    FETCH NEXT FROM get_cases INTO @v_case_id
    FETCH NEXT FROM get_cases INTO @v_case_id
    CLOSE get_cases 
    DEALLOCATE get_cases

    Also, you say you're new to SQL Server so it may just be in your best interest to post the whole code so the wise folks here could come up with a cursorless solution (if possible)..

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Ahh, I think I'm seeing a pattern here; I get this error msg for other things having nothing to do with a cursor in my script.... so it's talking about the query cursor sql server returns... I get this kind of message when I have a space in front of some stmnts- hence the 'go' verb, right?

    Still can't get the query to work, getting rid of spaces, but I'm learning some of the quirks ;>), thanks all for your responses!

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