creating XSL from code...

  • Following the XML/XSL transformation using templates now I want to create a kind of "wizard" that works on the background to automatically create an XSL. Anyone with recommendations? Maybe someone has done something similar?

    For now I will start by saving the text a user enters on a text area on each key stroke. At same time the user can double click on a tree leaf and add a value to the text (name, email, full address, invoice number, etc). When this action adds the corresponding text I will add too the corresponding xsl sentence to the text created on background using the name of the clicked node and its parents. No need to add formatting, for now we do not have that option on the edit area.

    My goal is that at the end of edit the user can send the message but at same time save the message as a template if he wants. The template is the XSL that has been created dinamically on background.

  • Sorry, this question should be answered on a .Net oriented forum, is a no sense trying to achieve this on SQL.

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