May 20, 2009 at 2:05 pm
Looks like this would be great for when rollback scripts aren't provided during deployment time!
May 20, 2009 at 3:05 pm
greggoble2 (5/20/2009)
Looks like this would be great for when rollback scripts aren't provided during deployment time!
No kidding. And much easier to implement as well. How many times have I written those scripts (rollbacks) where they've taken longer to develop than the frickin' code or project that is getting pushed.
May 20, 2009 at 5:47 pm
Very impressive Chris, thanks for sharing this!
Regarding "... not naming stored procedures with the sp_ prefix ..." I have also, on rare occasion, placed administrative/maintenance stored procedures in the master database so that they can be called on user databases. However, I use two underscores, for example sp__whyamihere, to avoid collision with current or future stored procedures provided by Microsoft.
May 20, 2009 at 8:11 pm
Good post. A very creative and useful implementation of DDL triggers.
Tim Mitchell, Microsoft Data Platform MVP
Data Warehouse and ETL Consultant | @Tim_Mitchell |
ETL Best Practices
May 21, 2009 at 2:58 pm
Hi Chris,
Good topic & idea. Chris, I tried to create the trigger which is shown in the article. but i am getting syntax error. could you please provide me the complete script for trigger and stored procedure as well.
May 21, 2009 at 10:31 pm
hi chris
i appreciate for the good ideas. :unsure:
I am also facing the same problem while implementing the triggers and the stored procedures ..please provide the provide the complete script
May 23, 2009 at 12:46 pm
Awesome article. I am saving it! Space management is something to watch out for when this approach is implemented (but then again, we all do it anyway, right? :-))
May 27, 2009 at 5:49 am
This is a great idea! I have downloaded and run both SQL scripts. Now when I try to do a DROP TABLE I get this error:
[font="Courier New"]ErrorNumber: 102
ErrorMessage: Incorrect syntax near '-'.[/font]
In the Messages box it says:
[font="Courier New"]
Caution: Changing any part of an object name could break scripts and stored procedures.
(1 row(s) affected)
The transaction is in an uncommittable state. Rolling back transaction.
The object dbo.[[mytablename]] has been moved to the recycle bin
as object zz_RecycleBin.dbo_$_[[mytablename]]_$_[[my username]]_$_2009_05_27T13_41_14_933[/font]
However, the table has not been dropped. And SP_UNDROP says:
[font="Courier New"]There are no objects in the recycle bin[/font]
This is on SQL Server 2005 (9.0.4035). What could I do to try solving this?
May 27, 2009 at 8:35 am
Initially I tried to piece together the code in the article to no avail. I downloaded the sql code shown at the end of the article, made sure that I initiated the "use , ran the code and everything works tickety-boo.
I created the schemas direct in each database where I want to associate this utility.
I have associated the procedure against a number of databases within my SQL SERVER structure, and everything works as documented. As well as the UNDROP code.
When I drop a table, it falls into the recylce schema, and when I UNDROP the table, it reappears as it was before.
Version SQL Server : 9.00.4035.00, SP3, Standard Edition
June 5, 2009 at 4:38 am
From the author:
Please see:
for my Q&As from the article.
June 8, 2009 at 2:04 am
Hi Chris,
Thanks! Our domain name also has a dash in it. So I have used Chad's bugfix and now it's working great! 🙂
Another thought: would it be possible to have all dropped tables, views and so on in a separate database (called 'RecycleBin' for example)?
Best regards,
June 8, 2009 at 6:41 am
Hi Ronald,
Glad you've found the scripts useful.
Yes, I considered using a separate repository (a database) but one of my goals when designing the solution was to make it as light as possible which is why I went with the schema inside the current database solution.
The separate database solution would also have it's challenges such as permissions on objects, FKs on renamed tables etc.
June 8, 2009 at 10:03 am
Hi, I tried the scripts and it works great. However, the restored table or function name has zz_RecycleBin prefix and postfix with user name and time stamps. Needs to be renamed manually. Anyone else having this problem? or is it designed to be this way to avoid name collision in case a new table or function name being created before doing undrop?
June 8, 2009 at 10:26 am
Here is what it looks like in the script
USE [AdventureWorks]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [zz_RecycleBin].[dbo_$_uspGetManagerEmployees_$_TOSHL35@dad_$_2009_06_07T23_55_38_100] Script Date: 06/08/2009 09:24:18 ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [zz_RecycleBin].[dbo_$_uspGetManagerEmployees_$_TOSHL35@dad_$_2009_06_07T23_55_38_100]
@ManagerID [int]
-- Use recursive query to list out all Employees required for a particular Manager
WITH [EMP_cte]([EmployeeID], [ManagerID], [FirstName], [LastName], [RecursionLevel]) -- CTE name and columns
AS (
SELECT e.[EmployeeID], e.[ManagerID], c.[FirstName], c.[LastName], 0 -- Get the initial list of Employees for Manager n
FROM [HumanResources].[Employee] e
INNER JOIN [Person].[Contact] c
ON e.[ContactID] = c.[ContactID]
WHERE [ManagerID] = @ManagerID
SELECT e.[EmployeeID], e.[ManagerID], c.[FirstName], c.[LastName], [RecursionLevel] + 1 -- Join recursive member to anchor
FROM [HumanResources].[Employee] e
ON e.[ManagerID] = [EMP_cte].[EmployeeID]
INNER JOIN [Person].[Contact] c
ON e.[ContactID] = c.[ContactID]
-- Join back to Employee to return the manager name
SELECT [EMP_cte].[RecursionLevel], [EMP_cte].[ManagerID], c.[FirstName] AS 'ManagerFirstName', c.[LastName] AS 'ManagerLastName',
[EMP_cte].[EmployeeID], [EMP_cte].[FirstName], [EMP_cte].[LastName] -- Outer select from the CTE
FROM [EMP_cte]
INNER JOIN [HumanResources].[Employee] e
ON [EMP_cte].[ManagerID] = e.[EmployeeID]
INNER JOIN [Person].[Contact] c
ON e.[ContactID] = c.[ContactID]
ORDER BY [RecursionLevel], [ManagerID], [EmployeeID]
June 12, 2009 at 4:15 pm
could be this useful for recover a dropped column or only for tables and database objects?
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