• I have this rule:


    CREATE RULE org_name


    @value LIKE '[1-10]'


    When I insert '0' no errors

    When I insert '2' I get error

    I need to restrict to integer between 1 and 10

  • quote:

    BOL 2000:


    A. Rule with a range

    This example creates a rule that restricts the range of integers inserted into the column(s) to which this rule is bound.

    CREATE RULE range_rule AS

    @range >= $1000 AND @range < $20000


    CREATE RULE range_rule AS

    @range >= 1 AND @range <= 10

  • I know I can do that.

    But the whole point is

    I want to learn how

    to use pattern matchin

    in my rules.

    Something like:

    @value LIKE '[1-10]__[1-100]'

    But it doesn't work

    So I started with [1-10]

  • quote:

    I want to learn how to use pattern matchin in my rules.

    I did'nt know that!


    BOL 2000: Rules, a backward compatibility feature, perform some of the same functions as check constraints.

    Create Rule Rule_Range as 
    (@Range Like '[1][0]'
    Or @Range like '[1-9]') And

  • [1-9] doesn't work

    [1][0] doen't make sense

    And how do I restrict

    to any two characters?

    _ _?

  • [1-9] doesn't work

    BOL 2000:

    [] = Any single character within the specified range ([a-f]) or set ([abcdef]).

    Then the next become 'hardcoded', first character must be a 0 and the second must be 1

    [1][0] doen't make sense

    And how do I restrict to any two characters?

    BOL 2000:

    _ (underscore) Any single character.

    Set NoCount On
    Create Table Test(A Varchar(100))
    Insert Test
    Select '10'
    Insert Test
    Select '9'
    Insert Test
    Select '8'
    Insert Test
    Select '7'
    Insert Test
    Select '6'
    Insert Test
    Select '0'
    Insert Test
    Select '1'
    Select '[0-9]',* from Test Where A Like '[0-9]' -- Only single pos 0 to 9
    Select '[1][0]',* from Test Where A Like '[1][0]' -- pos 1 must be a '1' and second pos must be '0'
    Select '__',* from Test Where A Like '__' -- any single char in first and second position
    Select '%',* from Test Where A Like '%' -- Any number of characters
    Drop Table Test

    Last open SQL Server 2000 Books Online and search for the word LIKE . There are more examples.

  • I gave up.

    I created a CONSTRAINT:

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Organization] WITH NOCHECK ADD

    CONSTRAINT [CK_Organization] CHECK (len([Name]) < 7

    and (left([Name],2) = '03'

    or (left([Name],2) = '02'

    or left([Name],2) = '01'))

    and (right([Name],2) >= 1 and right([Name],2) <= 101))

  • BOL 2000:


    Returns the number of characters, rather than the number of bytes, of the given string expression, excluding trailingblanks.


    Returns the number of bytes used to represent any expression.

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