Create a table from Column Data in another Table

  • Hello All:

    I have a table that lists column names that I would like to use for a new table. The table I have is basically a list of column names from one table matched to the new fields I would like to use for the new table. I could also add data types to this table to use in a create table statement. If this is a good approach.

    It looks something like this

    ColumnName DataType

    strLastName nvarchar(50)

    strFirstName navarchar(50)

    The table is obviously much larger than this.

    I hope this makes sense and there is an easy way to accomplish this. Thanks in advance for any help you can give. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information.

  • look at this this sample example and generate your SQL statement for creating table using COALESCE

    People Table





    DECLARE @Names VARCHAR(8000)

    SELECT @Names = COALESCE(@Names + ', ', '') + Name FROM People

    The result would be Mary, Joe, Fernandez

    It begins by taking the first step.

  • Thanks. This works, but I'm still unsure how to use this to create the new table.

  • If this is a time one thing then you can get the output of the string and execute the SQL statement

    If this needs to happen dynamically then you can do it via stored procedure

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_MyFirstDynamicSP



    It begins by taking the first step.

  • Cleech (10/7/2010)

    Thanks. This works, but I'm still unsure how to use this to create the new table.

    Here's an example without the COALESCE...

    SELECT *

    INTO dbo.NewTable

    FROM dbo.OldTable

    Of course, you can make it so no rows actually move by using WHERE 1=0 and it will still create the new table. You can also change the "*" to a list of columns AND new columns using something like CAST(NULL AS INT) AS NewColumn.

    If you want NOT NULL columns, you can use ISNULL(SomeColumn, 0) AS SomeColumn even when you use the WHERE 1=0 trick.

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  • If I correctly understand what you are trying to do, the attached dynamic SQL code would do the trick for you. But I'm not sure this is easier than just scripting out the CREATE TABLE for your existing table and then editing it to create the schema for your new table. The only advantage I see to your approach is perhaps being able to cross-reference the new table back against the old one.

    Fill us in on the big picture here. Why are you wanting to do this?


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