Count Per Hour By User By Day

  • I'm trying to create two reports that would look like this; passing a date range for start/end:

    Report #1 Sort By Date, HourStart, UserId WHERE Dept <> 2

    Date HourStart UserId Count

    07/30/2012 8:00 10 1

    07/30/2012 9:00 10 4

    07/31/2012 8:00 10 1

    07/31/2012 9:00 10 3

    07/30/2012 8:00 11 1

    07/30/2012 9:00 11 4

    07/31/2012 8:00 11 1

    07/31/2012 9:00 11 2

    07/30/2012 8:00 12 1

    07/30/2012 9:00 12 1

    07/31/2012 9:00 12 1

    Report #2 Sort By Date, HourStart, WHERE Dept <> 2

    (user id on heading row, counts below)

    Date HourStart 10 11 12 (user ids)

    07/30/2012 8:00 1 1 1

    07/30/2012 9:00 4 4 1

    07/31/2012 8:00 1 1 0

    07/31/2012 9:00 3 2 1

    Data below, thanks!

  • IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#CountsPerHour') > 0 DROP TABLE #CountsPerHour

    CREATE TABLE #CountsPerHour

    (Dept int, UserId int, StartTime datetime)

    INSERT INTO #CountsPerHour

    SELECT 1, 10, '2012-07-30 08:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 10, '2012-07-30 09:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 10, '2012-07-30 09:53' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 10, '2012-07-30 09:54' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 10, '2012-07-30 09:55' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 10, '2012-07-31 08:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 10, '2012-07-31 09:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 10, '2012-07-31 09:53' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 10, '2012-07-31 09:54' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 11, '2012-07-30 08:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 11, '2012-07-30 09:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 11, '2012-07-30 09:53' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 11, '2012-07-30 09:54' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 11, '2012-07-30 09:55' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 11, '2012-07-31 08:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 11, '2012-07-31 09:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 11, '2012-07-31 09:53' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 12, '2012-07-30 08:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 12, '2012-07-30 09:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 12, '2012-07-31 09:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 10, '2012-07-31 09:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 10, '2012-07-31 10:52'

    SELECT * FROM #CountsPerHour

    ORDER BY Dept, UserId, StartTime

    DECLARE @DateStart datetime SET @DateStart = '2012-07-28'

    DECLARE @DateEnd datetime SET @DateEnd = '2012-08-01'

  • IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#CountsPerHour') > 0 DROP TABLE #CountsPerHour

    CREATE TABLE #CountsPerHour

    (Dept int, UserId int, StartTime datetime)

    INSERT INTO #CountsPerHour

    SELECT 1, 10, '2012-07-30 08:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 10, '2012-07-30 09:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 10, '2012-07-30 09:53' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 10, '2012-07-30 09:54' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 10, '2012-07-30 09:55' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 10, '2012-07-31 08:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 10, '2012-07-31 09:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 10, '2012-07-31 09:53' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 10, '2012-07-31 09:54' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 11, '2012-07-30 08:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 11, '2012-07-30 09:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 11, '2012-07-30 09:53' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 11, '2012-07-30 09:54' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 11, '2012-07-30 09:55' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 11, '2012-07-31 08:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 11, '2012-07-31 09:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 11, '2012-07-31 09:53' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 12, '2012-07-30 08:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 12, '2012-07-30 09:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 12, '2012-07-31 09:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 13, '2012-07-31 09:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 13, '2012-07-31 10:52'

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#CountsPerHour') > 0 DROP TABLE #RollUpUsers

    DECLARE @StartTime datetime SET @StartTime = '2012-07-30'

    DECLARE @EndTime datetime SET @EndTime = '2012-08-01'

    DECLARE @Period int SET @Period = 60

    --Period 30 minutes = 30; 60 minutes = 60; 24 hours = 1440; week = 10800



    DATEADD(mi,(DATEDIFF(mi,0,StartTime) / @Period) * @Period, 0) as Period,

    COUNT(*) AS Cnt

    INTO #RollUpUsers

    FROM #CountsPerHour

    WHERE StartTime >= @StartTime

    AND StartTime <= @EndTime

    AND Dept <> 2

    GROUP BY UserID,DATEADD(mi,(DATEDIFF(mi,0,StartTime) / @Period) * @Period, 0)

    ORDER BY UserId, Period



    LEFT(CONVERT(varchar(100), Period, 101), 5) as WorkDate,

    SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(100), Period, 121), 12, 5) as WorkTime,


    FROM #RollUpUsers

  • That gets me the first report. Is there a way to dynamically create this report from those results? There would be more time periods and more users.

    date time 10 11 12

    07/30 8:00 1 1 1

    07/30 9:00 4 4 1

    07/31 8:00 1 1 0

    07/31 9:00 3 2 1


  • SELECT Dept, UserId, x.[date], x.[Hour], COUNT(*)

    FROM #CountsPerHour



    [date] = DATEADD(dd,0,DATEDIFF(dd,0,StartTime)),

    [Hour] = DATEPART(hh,StartTime)

    ) x

    WHERE Dept <> 2

    AND StartTime >= @DateStart -- NOTE >=

    AND StartTime < @DateEnd -- NOTE <

    GROUP BY Dept, UserId, x.[date], x.[Hour]

    ORDER BY UserId, Dept, x.[date], x.[Hour]

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • texpic (8/1/2012)

    That gets me the first report. Is there a way to dynamically create this report from those results? There would be more time periods and more users.

    date time 10 11 12

    07/30 8:00 1 1 1

    07/30 9:00 4 4 1

    07/31 8:00 1 1 0

    07/31 9:00 3 2 1


    Here's the "base code" for it (this is a "CROSSTAB" query);




    [10] = MAX(CASE WHEN UserId = 10 THEN [Count] ELSE 0 END),

    [11] = MAX(CASE WHEN UserId = 11 THEN [Count] ELSE 0 END),

    [12] = MAX(CASE WHEN UserId = 12 THEN [Count] ELSE 0 END)

    FROM #PivotSource

    GROUP BY [Date], [Time]

    ORDER BY [Date], [Time]

    Since you've got multiple UserID's and they're unknown at the time you write the crosstab query, you will have to write it dynamically, reading the list of users from the table PivotSource. It's easier than it sounds:

    DECLARE @SQLStatement VARCHAR(2000)

    SET @SQLStatement = 'SELECT [Date], [Time]'

    SELECT @SQLStatement = @SQLStatement + ', ' + CHAR(13) + '['+CAST(UserId AS VARCHAR(10)) + '] = MAX(CASE WHEN UserId = ' + CAST(UserId AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' THEN [Count] ELSE 0 END) '

    FROM #PivotSource

    GROUP BY UserId

    ORDER BY UserId

    SELECT @SQLStatement = @SQLStatement + CHAR(13) + 'FROM #PivotSource GROUP BY [Date], [Time] ORDER BY [Date], [Time]'

    PRINT @SQLStatement

    Have a look at the output of the PRINT statement (it will be in the messages tab of SSMS).

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

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