Could not complete cursor operation 16958

  • Whilst I did not have any set datefirst statements in my SP, adding it got the SP to work.

    Funny thing, the SP had been working for six weeks on 25+ different servers (2005 to 2012); then, all of a sudden, this weekend it fails with the error:

    Could not complete cursor operation because the set options have changed since the cursor was declared.

    It's even stanger since I only use the reserved word set to set variables, so adding a set datefirst 7 makes no sense whatsoever, but it works

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  • declare calendar_cursor insensitive cursor for

    select calendar, descr

    from otherDatabase.otherUser.cclcald with (nolock)

    Looks like your using a dynamic cursor - getting data from another database. Check the compatibility levels of the databases (Db Properties / Options). They should be the same.

  • I know this is a very old topic, but I did find that the database compatibility level was causing me to experience the same error. I am running 2008 R2 and some of the databases were set to 2005. Changing them all to 2008 resolved the issue.

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