Converting Access Query to TSQL

  • I'm pretty new at this but one of our developers wrote a program using links in Access and now they want to go live on our SQL Server.  They need me to convert the Access query to TSQL and I'm not sure where to even begin.  I've tried a bunch of things but don't know if I'm even getting close.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks.

    Here is the query as it sits in Access

    SELECT IIf(UCase([AR4_OpenInvoice]![Salespersoncode])="SWI" Or UCase([AR4_OpenInvoice]![Salespersoncode])="SCR" Or UCase([AR4_OpenInvoice]![Salespersoncode])="CENT","Central Region",IIf(UCase([AR4_OpenInvoice]![Salespersoncode])="SEL" Or UCase([AR4_OpenInvoice]![Salespersoncode])="NEA" Or UCase([AR4_OpenInvoice]![Salespersoncode])="NEAT","East Region",IIf(UCase([AR4_OpenInvoice]![Salespersoncode])="WES" Or UCase([AR4_OpenInvoice]![Salespersoncode])="WEST","West Region",IIf(UCase([AR4_OpenInvoice]![Salespersoncode])="NATL","Federal Accounts",[dbo_company]![CoTeam])))) AS Team, [AR1_CustomerMaster].[CustomerName], [AR1_CustomerMaster].[MasterFileComment] AS [Brock ID], [AR4_OpenInvoice].[Comment] AS [Referecne Number], [AR4_OpenInvoice].[InvoiceNumber], [AR4_OpenInvoice].[InvoiceDate], [AR4_OpenInvoice].[InvoiceDueDate], [AR4_OpenInvoice].[Balance], DateDiff("d",[InvoiceDueDate],Now()) AS [Days Past Due]

    FROM (AR4_OpenInvoice INNER JOIN AR1_CustomerMaster ON [AR4_OpenInvoice].[CustomerNumber]=[AR1_CustomerMaster].[CustomerNumber]) INNER JOIN dbo_company ON [AR1_CustomerMaster].[MasterFileComment]=[dbo_company].[coid]

    WHERE ((([AR4_OpenInvoice].[InvoiceDueDate])<Now()) And (([AR4_OpenInvoice].[Balance])<>0) And ((DateDiff("d",[InvoiceDueDate],Now()))>=90));

  • Those Iif statements are a pain, and the best way I can think of doing this is to create a table called PersonCodeArea with two columns called SalesPersonCode and Region.

    Fill the table with data in the IIf statements so you get

    SalesPersonCode     Region.

    SWI                       Central Region

    CENT                     Central Region

    SCR                       Central Region

    SEL                        East Region


    In the join statement add "INNER JOIN PersonCodeArea pca on pca.SalesPersonCode = AR4_OpenInvoice.SalesPersonCode"

    Then remove all the "IIF(Ucase..." statements with the line pca.Region

    This should give you....

    select  pca.Region,

      select case oi.Salespersoncode

       when 'NATL' then 'Federal Accounts'

       else dbo_company.CoTeam 

      end as Team,

      .....(all them other statements)

    from  AR4_OpenInvoice oi  /* oi is a table alias used to create more readable SQL */

    INNER JOIN  PersonCodeArea pca on pca.SalesPersonCode = oi.SalesPersonCode 

    ... followed by the rest of the SQL

    Use SQL Server books online to look up the use of DateDiff in T-SQL as well.

    Have fun...



  • I deal with this problem on a daily basis and the best way I have found to handle it is to convert the IIF statements into CASE.


    IIF(Condition,True Part, ELSE PART)



         When Condition THEN TRUE PART


                      ELSE PART


    Have Fun


  • Would this help

    SELECT COALESCE(t.Region,d.CoTeam) AS Team, c.CustomerName,

    c.MasterFileComment AS [Brock ID], i.Comment AS [Reference Number],

    i.InvoiceNumber, i.InvoiceDate, i.InvoiceDueDate, i.Balance,

    DATEDIFF(d,InvoiceDueDate,GETDATE()) AS [Days Past Due]

    FROM AR4_OpenInvoice i INNER JOIN AR1_CustomerMaster ON i.CustomerNumber

    = c.CustomerNumber


    (SELECT 'SWI' Code, 'Central Region' Region

    UNION ALL SELECT 'SCR', 'Central Region'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'CENT', 'Central Region'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'SEL', 'East Region'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'NEA', 'East Region'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'NEAT', 'East Region'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'WES', 'West Region'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'WEST', 'West Region'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'NATL', 'Federal Accounts') t ON i.SalespersonCode =


    INNER JOIN Dbo_Company d ON c.MasterFileComment = d.CoId

    WHERE i.InvoiceDueDate < GETDATE()

    AND i.Balance <> 0 AND DATEDIFF(d,InvoiceDueDate,GETDATE()) >= 90;


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • I agree with Keith on this. I think I would make a new table or add a column so that the abreviation of the region could be mapped to the actual region. However to just change this to a SQL compliant query here is what I came up with.


        Team = CASE UPPER(AR4.Salespersoncode)

             WHEN "SWI" THEN "Central Region"

             WHEN "SCR" THEN "Central Region"

             WHEN "CENT" THEN "Central Region"

             WHEN "SEL" THEN "East Region"

             WHEN "NEA" THEN "East Region"

             WHEN "NEAT" THEN "East Region"

             WHEN "WES" THEN "West Region"

             WHEN "WEST" THEN "West Region"

             WHEN "NATL"THEN "Federal Accounts"

             ELSE C.CoTeam


        , AR1.CustomerName

        , AR1.MasterFileComment AS [Brock ID]

        , AR4.Comment AS [Referecne Number]

        , AR4.InvoiceNumber

        , AR4.InvoiceDate

        , AR4.InvoiceDueDate

        , AR4.Balance

        , DateDiff("d",InvoiceDueDate,GetDate()) AS [Days Past Due]

    FROM AR4_OpenInvoice AR4

        INNER JOIN AR1_CustomerMaster ON AR4.CustomerNumber = AR1.CustomerNumber

            INNER JOIN dbo_company ON AR1.MasterFileCommen] = C.coid

    WHERE AR4.InvoiceDueDate < GetDate()

        And AR4.Balance <> 0

        And DateDiff("d",InvoiceDueDate,GetDate()) >= 90

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • Thanks everyone.  Based on your input I was able to change the query so it was SQL compliant.  A couple minor changes on the queries Frank and Gary wrote and I was in business.  This saved me a lot of time and frustration.

    Thanks again.

  • Just out of curiosity, can you post the end result?

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Here you go.  Both of these work.  The minor changes were really just trying to figure out the company table because it is set up as a linked server.  (That's new to us around here as well.)

    Once again, thanks for the help.

    Version 1



        Team = CASE UPPER(AR4.Salespersoncode)

             WHEN "SWI" THEN "Central Region"

             WHEN "SCR" THEN "Central Region"

             WHEN "CENT" THEN "Central Region"

             WHEN "SEL" THEN "East Region"

             WHEN "NEA" THEN "East Region"

             WHEN "NEAT" THEN "East Region"

             WHEN "WES" THEN "West Region"

             WHEN "WEST" THEN "West Region"

             WHEN "NATL"THEN "Federal Accounts"

             ELSE C.CoTeam


        , AR1.CustomerName

        , AR1.MasterFileComment AS [Brock ID]

        , AR4.Comment AS [Referecne Number]

        , AR4.InvoiceNumber

        , AR4.InvoiceDate

        , AR4.InvoiceDueDate

        , AR4.Balance

        , DateDiff(dd,AR4.InvoiceDueDate,GetDate()) AS [Days Past Due]

    FROM AR4_OpenInvoice AR4

        INNER JOIN AR1_CustomerMaster AR1 ON AR4.CustomerNumber = AR1.CustomerNumber

            INNER JOIN C ON AR1.MasterFileComment = C.coid

    WHERE AR4.InvoiceDueDate < GetDate()

        And AR4.Balance <> 0

        And DateDiff(d,AR4.InvoiceDueDate,GetDate()) >= 90


    Version 2


    SELECT COALESCE(t.Region,d.CoTeam) AS Team, c.CustomerName, c.MasterFileComment AS [Brock ID],

    i.Comment AS [Reference Number], i.InvoiceNumber, i.InvoiceDate, i.InvoiceDueDate, i.Balance,

    DATEDIFF(d,InvoiceDueDate,GETDATE()) AS [Days Past Due]


    FROM AR4_OpenInvoice i INNER JOIN AR1_CustomerMaster c ON i.CustomerNumber

    = c.CustomerNumber LEFT OUTER JOIN

    (SELECT 'SWI' Code, 'Central Region' Region

    UNION ALL SELECT 'SCR', 'Central Region'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'CENT', 'Central Region'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'SEL', 'East Region'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'NEA', 'East Region'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'NEAT', 'East Region'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'WES', 'West Region'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'WEST', 'West Region'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'NATL', 'Federal Accounts')

    t ON i.SalespersonCode = t.Code INNER JOIN Civil.Civil.dbo.Company d ON c.MasterFileComment = d.CoId

    WHERE i.InvoiceDueDate < GETDATE()AND i.Balance <> 0 AND DATEDIFF(d,InvoiceDueDate,GETDATE()) >= 90;

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