Convert Excel Formula to SQL

  • Hi All,

    I need to convert the below Excel formula into sql format.



    G4 = 1.05

    G5 = 1.89

    G6 = 2.08

    G7 = 2.55

    G8 = 1.99

    G9 = 3.09

    G11= 4.32

    G12= 3.12

    G13= 3.87

    G14= 2.90

    G15= 1.33

    In Sql,

    Table Name:

    create table Fund


    Perf_Val decimal(4,2)


    insert into Fund

    select 1.05


    select 1.89


    select 2.08


    select 2.55


    select 1.99


    select 3.09


    select 4.32


    select 3.12


    select 3.87


    select 2.90


    select 1.33

    Inputs are welcome!


  • the above exl formula not working

  • The Excel formula DOES work when fixing this typo

    [font="Courier New"](PRODUCT(1+$G4;G$6/100)[/font]

    By replacing the semi-colon character with a comma.

    [font="Courier New"](PRODUCT(1+$G4,G$6/100)[/font]

    Let me look at an SQL solution, I'll get back to you.

  • It might be worth mentioning the value you are expecting. For example, in Excel's Function Window, I get "0.000412776" but it'll error in the "1+$G4:G$6/100" section when you actually use it. With sum() around G4:G6, it'll return 5.02 but not sure if that's what you're after either. I'll leave to SQL Conversion to someone who knows what they're doing though.

  • Given that the order of data in a relational database normally has no meaning and that you have only values in the table you created, you're lacking a method for assigning any of the values to any of the variables in the formula. Posting the actual table definition and the method whereby you determine which value is G4 would be helpful.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • This is precisely what I am working on right now.

  • I'd say J would either create a second column (or table, I guess) to differntiate the two groups, adding together those in Group 1 and Counting those in both Groups for the two values required. The G4 etc is meaningless as it'll just be the first value in Group 1, important in Excel, but yes, meaningless in J's solution.

  • Yup !

    Here goes, not fully completed yet

    [font="Courier New"]CREATE TABLE Fund


    EntryName varchar(5) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

    Perf_Val decimal(4,2),

    Result decimal(4,2)


    INSERT INTO Fund (EntryName, Perf_Val)

    SELECT 'G4', 1.05 UNION

    SELECT 'G5', 1.89 UNION

    SELECT 'G6', 2.08 UNION

    SELECT 'G7', 2.55 UNION

    SELECT 'G8', 1.99 UNION

    SELECT 'G9', 3.09 UNION

    SELECT 'G11', 4.32 UNION

    SELECT 'G12', 3.12 UNION

    SELECT 'G13', 3.87 UNION

    SELECT 'G14', 2.9 UNION

    SELECT 'G15', 1.33

    select * from Fund order by EntryName

    DECLARE @lf_Result decimal(8, 4), @lf_Exponent decimal(8, 4)

    SELECT @lf_Result =

    (1 + (SELECT Perf_Val FROM Fund WHERE EntryName = 'G4'))


    ( ((SELECT Perf_Val FROM Fund WHERE EntryName = 'G6') / 100.00) )

    SELECT @lf_Result

    SELECT @lf_Exponent = (11 - 1) * 100

    SELECT @lf_Exponent[/font]

    SELECT @lf_Result = @lf_Result ^ @lf_Exponent

    Now, the expression [font="Courier New"]COUNT($G$4:$G$15)[/font] in Excel evaluates to 11. It would be produced by someone highlighting cells G4 to G15. The $ character means that G4 remains G4 when you copy the formula on some other line or column. But since you are only interested in a COUNT, it always evaluates the same...


  • And that was just a litteral translation ...

    In SQL, G4 does not mean anything as already mentioned.

    One much smarter way to go about it would be to use meaningful names instead of cell coordinates.

    Then, you could improve your table design this way

    [font="Courier New"]CRREATE TABLE Fund


    ........Month_01 decimal(4,2),

    ........Month_02 decimal(4,2),

    ........Month_03 decimal(4,2),

    ........Month_04 decimal(4,2),

    and so on

    ........Month_12 decimal(4,2)


    After that, a single select would be sufficient.

    [font="Courier New"]

    SELECT @lf_Result =

    (1 + (SELECT Perf_Val FROM Fund WHERE EntryName = 'G4'))


    ( ((SELECT Perf_Val FROM Fund WHERE EntryName = 'G6') / 100.00) )[/font]

    simply becomes

    [font="Courier New"]SELECT

    (1 + Month_1)


    ( (Month_6 ) / 100.00) )

    FROM Fund [/font]

    Your calculation statement could be a stored procedure applied in a single swoop to any complete record in table Fund.

    Now you have finally stepped away from Excel and into real SQL.


  • Well, tried to produce it using my Logic and J's original Code (First Table I've ever created using a query, though I've had plenty of experience writing SELECT statements to produce info to my Business). I'm getting "Operand data type numeric is invalid for boolean XOR operator." and can't work out the issue from Google. I also can't seem to get working to delete the table if it initially exists which is annoying.


    declare @lf_group1 as float

    declare @lf_exponent as float

    declare @result as float

    --DELETE * FROM [ODS_ASSET].[dbo].[Fund]

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Fund


    EntryName varchar(5) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

    Perf_Val float,

    Group12 float


    INSERT INTO Fund (EntryName, Perf_Val, Group12)

    SELECT 'G4', 1.05,1 UNION

    SELECT 'G5', 1.89,1 UNION

    SELECT 'G6', 2.08,1 UNION

    SELECT 'G7', 2.55,2 UNION

    SELECT 'G8', 1.99,2 UNION

    SELECT 'G9', 3.09,2 UNION

    SELECT 'G11', 4.32,2 UNION

    SELECT 'G12', 3.12,2 UNION

    SELECT 'G13', 3.87,2 UNION

    SELECT 'G14', 2.9,2 UNION

    SELECT 'G15', 1.33,2

    select @lf_group1 = (select sum(perf_val) from where group12 = 1)

    select @lf_exponent = (select count(perf_val) from

    select @result = ((1+@lf_group1/100)^(12/@lf_exponent)-1)*100

    select @result

  • This is the line causing the error:

    select @result = ((1+@lf_group1/100)^(12/@lf_exponent)-1)*100

    The ^ character represents the XOR operator in TSQL, not the exponential operator that it represents in VB. In TSQL, you need to use the POWER function instead.

  • Ah, thanks! It never occured to me that would be the Problem. In that case, I get '100.446271221111' as the answer:


    declare @lf_group1 as float

    declare @lf_exponent as float

    declare @result as float

    --DELETE * FROM [ODS_ASSET].[dbo].[Fund]

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Fund


    EntryName varchar(5) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

    Perf_Val float,

    Group12 float


    INSERT INTO Fund (EntryName, Perf_Val, Group12)

    SELECT 'G4', 1.05,1 UNION

    SELECT 'G5', 1.89,1 UNION

    SELECT 'G6', 2.08,1 UNION

    SELECT 'G7', 2.55,2 UNION

    SELECT 'G8', 1.99,2 UNION

    SELECT 'G9', 3.09,2 UNION

    SELECT 'G11', 4.32,2 UNION

    SELECT 'G12', 3.12,2 UNION

    SELECT 'G13', 3.87,2 UNION

    SELECT 'G14', 2.9,2 UNION

    SELECT 'G15', 1.33,2

    select @lf_group1 = (select sum(perf_val) from where group12 = 1)

    select @lf_exponent = (select count(perf_val) from

    select @result = (power(1+@lf_group1/100,(12/@lf_exponent)-1)*100)

    select @result

  • Also realised my Broken Drop Table Statement was because I had the Schema (Dbo) included. On just doing a straight select * on information.Schema I realised what it should look like (in case anyone goes to fix that for me):

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE table_schema = 'dbo' and table_name = 'Fund') DROP TABLE Fund

  • Regarding the use of the ^ in the formula, I did not look much further than what I had in the Excel formula.

    Instead I concentrated on HOW to organize the database table so that it would respect the SQL way of doing this, i.e. a horizontal row holding all the fields as opposed to the "vertical" representation in Excel.

    So forget about this crude

    [font="Courier New"]INSERT INTO Fund (EntryName, Perf_Val, Group12)

    SELECT 'G4', 1.05,1 UNION

    SELECT 'G5', 1.89,1 UNION

    SELECT 'G6', 2.08,1 UNION

    SELECT 'G7', 2.55,2 UNION[/font]

    This was just intended to show that a litteral translation form the Excel way into SQL statements was a poor way of implementing this in SQL.

    Debugging the calculation was left as an exercice.

    So, karthikeyan, does this help you at all ?

  • nathanb (2/19/2009)

    Also realised my Broken Drop Table Statement was because I had the Schema (Dbo) included. On just doing a straight select * on information.Schema I realised what it should look like (in case anyone goes to fix that for me):

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE table_schema = 'dbo' and table_name = 'Fund') DROP TABLE Fund

    I use

    IF Object_ID('dbo.Fund') IS NOT NULL

    Much less typing. 🙂

    Code for TallyGenerator

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