Complete permissions script

  • Hi Everyone

    Is there a script that can output a FULL audit of my SQL instance. As in script out:


    Server roles

    Server securables

    Database Users

    Database Roles

    Database securables


    I have bits and pieces of this but cannot find a complete solution.


    Any help is appreciated



  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • You can do something like this with dbatools.

    A little bit of PowerShell and you can script out all you're looking for.

  • Thanks

    Yes, I use DBATools for most of my day to day things as it is.

    I was just looking for a complete T-SQL script.


  • Tom Uellner wrote:

    You can do something like this with dbatools.

    A little bit of PowerShell and you can script out all you're looking for.

    Since there are a whole lot of individual tools to pick from and a whole lot of them don't have helpful names, which ones are you specifically talking about?

    --Jeff Moden

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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • Jeff Moden wrote:

    Tom Uellner wrote:

    You can do something like this with dbatools.

    A little bit of PowerShell and you can script out all you're looking for.

    Since there are a whole lot of individual tools to pick from and a whole lot of them don't have helpful names, which ones are you specifically talking about?

    Very true. There are a bunch and it took me some wading through to figure out what I wanted to use. Rather than just list the modules I used, I am just going to include my script (server, directory and email names changed to protect the guilty ๐Ÿ™‚ )

    I'm no PowerShell pro so I'm sure things could be done more eloquently but here it is. Hopefully someone will find this useful:

    Author: Tom Uellner
    Date: 2019-11-21
    Descr: Save the details of our SQL Server configurations to sub-folders under a specified root so
    we can recreate them as quickly as possible in case of a DR event. When all the specified
    SQL Servers information has been saved, move the resulting folder structure to an off-site
    location in case the DR event also take down our local SAN.
    Most of the heavy lifting in the script is done by dbatools.

    $StartTime = Get-Date
    Write-Host "Start export of SQL Server configuration:" $StartTime
    Write-Host ""

    $Step = ""

    # List of servers we're documenting
    $Servers = 'Server001', 'Server002', 'Server003'

    # Where are we saving the data and what is the current date time to add to the filename?
    $SaveRootPath = '\\BACKUP001\Data\SQLServerConfigs\'
    $DateTime = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd_HHmmss'
    CD $SaveRootPath

    function Script:Get-ReadMe
    Write-Output "SQL Server State Information and Scripts"
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "This directory contains information on OS configuration and SQL Server configuration"
    Write-Output "and settings. It also contains scripts to configure a new install of SQL Server to"
    Write-Output "match the current SQL Server. This is meant to save as much time as possible during"
    Write-Output "a DR event when spinning up a new environment and SQL Server."
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "Readme last updated: 2019-11-15"

    # Loop through all the servers and generate the scripts and documentation
    foreach($Server in $Servers)

    $Step = "Starting scripting of SQL Server: " + $Server

    # Create a subdirectory for the SQL Server if it does not exist
    $SavePath = ''
    if(-not (Test-Path -Path $SaveRootPath$Server))
    $Step = "Creating directory: " + $SaveRootPath
    New-Item -ItemType "Directory" -Path $SaveRootPath$Server
    $SavePath = $SaveRootPath + $Server + '\'

    # Create the PreviousRun folder if it does not exist
    $PreviousPath = ''
    if(-not (Test-Path -Path $SavePath'PreviousRun\'))
    $Step = "Creating directory: " + $SaveRootPath + "PreviousRun\"
    New-Item -ItemType "Directory" -Path $SavePath'PreviousRun\'
    $PreviousPath = $SavePath + 'PreviousRun\'

    CD $SavePath

    # Delete all the files from the \PreviousRun folder
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Deleting files from" $PreviousPath
    $Step = "Deleting files from directory: " + $PreviousPath
    Remove-Item $PreviousPath'*.*'

    # Move all the current files to the \PreviousRun folder
    Write-Host "Moving files from last run to" $PreviousPath
    $Step = "Moving file from: " + $SavePath + " to " + $PreviousPath
    Move-Item -Path $SavePath'*.*' -Destination $PreviousPath

    # Delete all subfolders except for the PreviousRun folder
    $Step = "Cleanup old items except for the PreviousRun directory in: " + $SavePath
    Get-ChildItem -Path $SavePath -Include * -Exclude "PreviousRun" | Remove-Item -Recurse

    Write-Host "Starting export of" $Server "to" $SavePath
    Write-Host ""

    $Step = "Writing configuration files"
    Get-ReadMe | Out-File -FilePath $SavePath$Server-00ReadMe-$DateTime.txt
    Get-DbaComputerSystem -ComputerName $Server | Out-File -FilePath $SavePath$Server-ComputerSystem-$DateTime.txt
    Get-DbaOperatingSystem -ComputerName $Server | Out-File -FilePath $SavePath$Server-OperatingSystem-$DateTime.txt
    Get-DbaDiskSpace -ComputerName $Server | Out-File -FilePath $SavePath$Server-DiskSpace-$DateTime.txt
    Get-DbaMaxMemory -SqlInstance $Server | Out-File -FilePath $SavePath$Server-Memory-$DateTime.txt
    Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance $Server -Database master -Query "SELECT @@VERSION AS SQLServerVersion;" | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap | Out-File -FilePath $SavePath$Server-SQLServerVersion-$DateTime.txt
    Export-DbaInstance -SqlInstance $Server -Path $SavePath -IncludeDbMasterKey

    # Export-DbaInstance creates a timestamped folder under the specified path. Move the files from that path
    # to the path we have already defined to keep all the files in one folder.
    $Step = "Moving Export-DbaInstance files from subdirectory to current directory"
    $Folders = Get-ChildItem -Path $SavePath -Directory -Recurse -Exclude "PreviousRun"
    Move-Item -Path $Folders"\*.*" -Destination $SavePath

    # Now remove the folder created by Export-DbaInstance
    $Step = "Removing the subdirectory created by Export-DbaInstance"
    Remove-Item -Path $Folders

    Write-Host "Finished export of" $Server
    Write-Host ""
    $ErrorText = "The following error occurred while scripting the SQL Serversrnrn" + $PSItem.ToString() + "rnrn The current step was: " + $Step + "rn"

    Write-Host $ErrorText -ForegroundColor Red

    # Email the error (Change To email address to Dba group after testing is completed)
    Send-MailMessage -From "" -To "" -Subject "Error creating SQL Server DR Scripts" -Body $ErrorText -SmtpServer "" -Port 25

    $EndTime = Get-Date
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Finished export of SQL Server configuration:" $EndTime
    Write-Host "Runtime:" ($EndTime - $StartTime).TotalSeconds "seconds"

  • Get-DbaPermission and Get-DbaUserPermission would be the starting point for a permissions extract, is uses the DISA STIG script so people find that a handy one if they need to comply with that.

    Depending on requirements will depend on the right function.

    Going off the OP list

    Logins - Get-DbaLogin / Export-DbaLogin

    Users - Get-DbaDbUser / Export-DbaUser

    DB Roles - Get-DbaDbRole / Export-DbaDbRole

    DB Role Members - Get-DbaDbRoleMember

    Server Roles - Get-DbaServerRole / Export-DbaServerRole

    Server Role Members - Get-DbaServerRoleMember

    Securables are the two permission functions mentions

    Some of those also have an Export version so save to script, those that donโ€™t you can easily pipe the Get to Export-DbaScript to save to a SQL file.


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