Combing columns/filling in parameters

  • Hi

    we have a table with 2 columns:

    - 1 column with a description containing placeholders for parameters in the format {n}

    - 1 column with the parameters in an XML format

    How can we combine the columns in a single select statement to produce a readable description?


    col1= User {0} logged {1}.


    We need: User Kevin logged off.

    My guess is this cannot be done in a single select but maybe someone out there knows better...


  • Well if both fields are of a character type (not a number) it's rather simple. I feel like I am missing something in your post, because you stated one column has XML formatted data. Here is what I could recommend,

    Select 'User ' + Col1 + ' has Logged ' + Col2 from Table1

    Then just use a where clause to limit the data.

  • I think it would be possible to do this in a single query by using XQuery on the XML in the col2 column to extract the parameter values and recursive CTEs to perform the placeholder string replacements, but it may not be the best option.

    You might consider a CLR function to do this.

  • Hi again

    oh yes, I forgot XML strings are not displayed in the web page

    This is what it should be:


    I was thinking about XQuery as well but I'm not too familiar with it.

    Both columns are nvarchar

  • You haven't provided your full table schema, so in the following I've assumed a table named XmlTemplate as follows. I've assumed there is primary key field (id) on this table to simplify the joins in the query.

    CREATE TABLE XMLTemplate (


    col1 nvarchar(4000) NOT NULL,

    col2 nvarchar(4000) NOT NULL

    /* ...any other columns */



    Here's some test data


    SELECT N'User {0} logged {1}.',


    UNION ALL SELECT N'User {0} logged {1} at {2}.',


    UNION ALL SELECT N'Exception raised.', N'<parameters/>'

    The first CTE (cteFR) shreds the XML in col2 to generate a set of find/replace pairs for each parameter. The second CTE (cteReplace) recursively invokes the REPLACE function to replace the placeholders in col1 with the appropriate XML parameter values. The final SELECT statement filters out all the intermediate results that have accumulated in the cteReplace CTE.

    I think that you may have performance issues with this approach and that a CLR function could be a better solution than any TSQL query.

    ;WITH cteFR AS (


    [Id] = X.Id,

    [Step] = T.N,

    [Source] = X.col1,

    [Find] = N'{' + CONVERT(nvarchar(10), T.N) + N'}',

    [Repl] = CONVERT(xml, X.col2).query('/parameters/*[local-name()=concat(''parameter'', string(sql:column("T.N")))]').value('.', 'nvarchar(1000)')

    FROM XmlTemplate X

    CROSS JOIN Tally T

    WHERE (T.N >= 0 AND T.N < CONVERT(xml, X.col2).query('count(/parameters/*)').value('.', 'int'))


    cteReplace AS (

    SELECT Id = X.Id, NextStep = 0, Result = X.col1

    FROM XmlTemplate X


    SELECT Id = FR.Id, NextStep = R.NextStep + 1 , Result = REPLACE(R.Result, FR.Find, FR.Repl)

    FROM cteFR FR

    INNER JOIN cteReplace R ON (FR.Id = R.Id AND FR.Step = R.NextStep)


    SELECT R.Result

    FROM cteReplace R


    SELECT Id, MaxStep = MAX(NextStep)

    FROM cteReplace


    ) RA ON (R.Id = RA.Id AND R.NextStep = RA.MaxStep)

  • thx a million Andrew! Your assumptions were right by the way. Actually this question came to me from via a colleague dealing with the SCOM 2007 database (I will not take the credits for this solution :))

    My first thought was also CLR. When I saw the {n} parameter-style I immediately thought of C# String.Format. Probably MS manipulates this data in SCOM in the same way.

    I'll have a look at CLR if my colleague is not happy with the performance.

    Thx again!


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