College Life

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  • I would like to go back to my years at the HTS (higher technical education in the Netherlands) It was a college with a lot of history, later on it became joined with several other colleges in Utrecht and became too big. Learning to really program was lot's of fun on a big prime mainframe typing standard pascal on a terminal where clearing the screen was only possible by doing 24 empty writeln's 😉

    Kindest Regards,

    Wim van den Brink

  • Steve, surely you would want to move to Cambridge (that's in England, by the way). There your employers could keep a close eye on you 🙂

    Not sure about horses though. The landscape is a bit flat and featureless for riding.

  • I would not like to move back to my college town of Duluth, Minnesota. But only because it has been too long.

    When I graduated, I took a serious look at staying there. But there were absolutely no jobs available. At the time, the economy was poor and even worse there. So I moved back to the Twin Cities to make a living.

    I would have loved to stay there then, but it doesn't hold the same appeal anymore.

    Of course, I still love going there as a vacation destination!


  • Not that I would want to move back to the town where I went to school but during my time there I went to CO for spring break every year... A little envious of you working in Denver.

    I would love to work in Boulder at the university or otherwise.

  • I went to school at Middle Tennessee State University. I would like to go back one day and teach there. I played on the ice hockey team and now I am an assistant coach. I agree that college was a good experience. I was also in the Navy and think that it would be great if one chose to experience college and the military.

  • In general, I love the Brazos Valley area around College Station, TX and would absolutely love to move back someday. For a long time, I wanted to go back and get a Ph.D. so that I could teach at the university, but the effort and expense of going through all that when there are plenty of other ways to teach without all the bureacracy (through mentoring, training, etc.) has so far kept me from that path. I would still love to work at Texas A&M or one of the local businesses... or one of my own.

    I think, though, that while I love College Station and Texas A&M, I would also really enjoy other small, college towns. I just like the atmosphere. I had a chance to work in Mississippi once, close to Ole Miss, and I really enjoyed that town as well. Wheaton, IL is another town I've worked in, and while that campus is really small, it's really nice. I'm just not much for a big city, and college towns have both the comfort and community of a small town and some of the life of a city because of all the young minds hanging about.

  • So does anyone else think it's strange that this was listed directly beside the last post I read on the SSC Jobs ad?

    Database Administrator

    Charlottesville, VA (possibly Boston, Mass.)

    SNL Financial, LC

    Perhaps Steve is trying out a new multifaceted approach to adverts?

    Anyhow, I spent a few years in Pittsburgh, both in college and after and I'd definitely enjoy moving back there. It's a great town that is large enough to have all of the benefits of living in a major metro area (Pro Sports teams - well Pro Football and Hockey anyhow, although I hear they are developing a decent AA baseball club, Cultural happenings, decent public transportation, and in general things to do) yet it still has that small town feel about it.

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  • I lived (and worked) in the residence halls (dorms) of the university I attended for 5 years. Heck they paid me to live there. Can't get much better than that. I feel that living on campus is extremely important. There is plenty of time to live in the 'real world' paying rent, bills etc. Focus on College. Build life long friends and learn to be 'out on your own' with a safety net that is not mom and dad. People cannot wait to get off campus and then they look back and realize how much harder it is as well as how much more expensive it gets.

    I digress.

    I also do not feel that college is important at all. There are plenty of other ways to obtain the same level of responsibility, respect, drive etc. Education and continued drive to learn is more important. If you feel you learned everything you needed in college you are way off your rocker. I barely use anything i learned in college in detail. I use a lot of general concepts and theories but that is pretty much where it ends.

  • Steve, I got the same slideshow in my email. Spent 12 years in Cville and I'd go back in a minute. I love my job in Atlanta (and since it's a family business, leaving would be a "noteworthy" event), but I'd love to be able to live in Charlottesville for more years. My wife feels the same, so SHE would go immediately (we met there). Kinda the reverse of your situation.

    Thanks for the nostalgia!

    Joe Keith

    VP, Atlanta Bonded Warehouse, Kennesaw, GA

  • Would you want to go back to work at your college, university, or the first place you spent significant time after leaving your parents?

    As I was wrapping up my bachelors at the University of Toledo, I went through the rigorous process of applying for and interviewing for a full-time position in the college computing area. I didn't get the job, but I did make it to the final round. If that had worked out, though, I wouldn't be here on SSC.

    Now if they called and offered me a job today, I'd have to think twice about it. I'm in an awesome career path with a company that I really enjoy. The only way that I'd work for the university is if it were as a distance learning instructor - otherwise, this isn't the right time for me to consider moving back.

  • I do work at the university I graduated from, Winthrop University. 😀 While attending I noticed the old dumb terminals and dot matrix printers they were using and really wanted to help modernize the place; it's really neat now that I can. Just so happened one of my instructors moved into an administrative position, and since he knew what kind of a student I was, after I graduated made me an offer.

  • I actually had that opportunity. My alma mater recently (2004-07) undertook a project to implement an ERP system and I had the good fortune to be hired to assist in the effort. I performed database and application administration tasks. The IT experience was invaluable to me.

    However, part of my motivation to take the job was to insert myself into the environment as a way to move out of IT, that is teach or move into another campus business area. Unfortunately, I spent so much time on this project, I did not get a chance to explore those options. After working 10 years in corporate IT, higher ed was a different experience. A bit slower than I was used to, but it had its perks.

  • I went to Clark University in Worcester, MA, and it is a great school. I am an alumni representative for Clark in my city now.

    I would be honored to work for Clark and my dream job would be to be a database programmer dealing with psychological survey data. (Clark is a big Psych school.)

    However, there's one thing that would keep me from pursuing such a path. It's too cold up there!!!

  • I actually never left Madison, WI, where I went to the University of Wisconsin. It is common to hear that people never left this town (pop 220,000 or so now) after graduation. It is truly a great city and campus. I was here for undergrad until 1990. In 2004, I enrolled in the evening MBA program at UW-Madison and continued my IT career full time as well. The experience is so far from the same as it was in my younger days (I had less wisdom, responsibility, money) but I do get to experience several aspects of the university again.

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