Clustered SQL Servers - Operations with impact on clustering?

  • Hi all.

    I am now in the position of admining a clustered pair.  I want to check with you all to see if you know of any routine (and not so routine!) tasks that may upset the cluster.

    I know there is an approved way of handling password changes, but how about

    1. Rebuilding master?  Do I just run this as usual? 

    2. Blackbox tracing?


    This is all for now, but if you think of things that do, please let me know!



  • For the most part, SQL Server doesn't really care that it's running on a cluster.  I've never tried to rebuild master on a cluster, but I don't imagine the procedure is any different.  I'm sorry but I don't know what you mean by blackbox tracing.

    The two main things to remember are (1) never use the Services applet (or SQL EM or SQL Server Service Manager if you are on SQL 7) to start and stop the services - use Cluster Administrator instead and (2) the name of the virtual SQL Server is different from the name of the physical computer - use the former when connecting to SQL Server.

    Hope that helps


  • Thanks for the response.

    fyi Blackbox trace basically stashes the last 10mb of trace data:

    TRACE_PRODUCE_BLACKBOX Specifies that a record of the last 5 MB of trace information produced by the server will be saved by the server. TRACE_PRODUCE_BLACKBOX is incompatible with all other options.



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