CLR with SQL Server 2005 - Compatablity = SQL 2000

  • I have a Sql Server 2005 Database that has it's compatibility set to 2000. I'm trying to create a stored procedure that references a assembly. I've gotten to the point where I'm creating my stored procedure and trying to have it include the code:

    External Name ....

    where I reference the assembly ( which was created successfully )

    I'm getting the message:

    'Incorrect syntax near 'external'. You may need to set the compatibility level of the current database to a higher value to enable this feature. See help for the stored procedure sp_dbcmptlevel.'

    If I can't change the compatibility level to 2005 am I out of luck?

    Any help would be appreciated,


  • To use CLR stored procedures, your database needs to be in Compatability Mode 9.0 (SQL Server 2005).

  • I've successfully created my assembly from my project. However when I try to create my stored procedure to call the function with the statement External Name DWFWebService ( where DWFWebService is the name of my assembly ) I'm not sure how to reference my functing that I created in my vb project ( I have very little experience in vb ).

    Here's a rundown of whats in my project:

    Solution Explorer


    My Project

    - Web References






    Then I have, what I guess, is a function


    Imports System.Web.Services

    Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols

    Imports System.ComponentModel




    Public Class Service1

    Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService


    Public Function CALL_WebService(ByVal strXML As String) As String


    Dim objService As ServiceBroker.dwng_broker = New ServiceBroker.dwng_broker()

    Return objService.Talk(strXML, "3")

    Catch ex As Exception

    Return ex.Message

    End Try

    End Function

    End Class

    Any help would be appreciated.


  • We solved this problem by creating a 'Tools' database which is in SQL2005 mode, and hosting CLR objects and other 2005 stuff there. You can then call them from the 2000 compatible database.

    I have used this to handle CTE based recursive functions and code needing features like CROSS APPLY as well as CLR functions. Seems to work OK!


  • That's exactly what I ended up doing. Everything's going live this weekend, so fingers are crossed!

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