CLR Trigger won't fire on a View

  • Hi there,

    I have a T-SQL view built on several underlying tables. When one of the records in any of the tables gets updated I want to fire a CLR Trigger on the changes. However I only want to have one trigger on the view.

    In this way I will only need one trigger on the view and if I add or remove tables from the view I won't have to add or remove all the triggers as well.

    When I have tried to do this I get an error stating

    The object 'VW_DSC_AccountValuationData' does not exist or is invalid for this operation.

    The view definitely exists and the only thing I can imagine is that you can't have a CLR Trigger on a View.

    Does anyone know if this is the case?

    Many Thanks


  • are you sure the view in question qualifies as an updatable view?

    that could be the issue with your CLR, rather than CLR itself.


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  • I had the same thought. So I made another view based on one table selecting the whole thing.

    I tried to make another CLR Trigger on that just returned a string when it fired.

    Same result.

  • I have a feeling you might have misunderstood triggers on views... A trigger on a view will fire when rows on the view are updated/inserted/deleted from - not when one of the rows in tables which it references are...

    Can you post the DDL that you used to create the trigger on the view?

    And can you make a normal SQL DML trigger to do what you wanted?

    Atlantis Interactive - SQL Server Tools
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  • Can I ask a stupid question first, you are defining it as an INSTEAD OF trigger aren't you?


  • Stupid Questions are ALWAYS a good idea.

    No, I was try to use an after trigger. However due to the complexity, age and size of our system, it won't be possible to change all of the code to update the views instead of the underlying tables. I think Matt is right when he says I misunderstood triggers on views.

    I was indeed hoping that if I updated an underlying table, the views triggers would fire. I now realise that it doesn't quite work like that.

    I have made a c# dictionary in code that is populated using data readers and the following SQL. It gets a list of all the underlying views and the tables that are depended on for them. I need to update the SQL to use the 2005 system views but never-the-less you get the idea. I have then placed very simple triggers on the relevant underlying tables that call a CLR function and pass in the table name. This allows me to have similar functionality to what I thought would happen in the first place.



    vw.[name] AS ViewName,

    t.[name] AS TableName


    sysdepends sd

    JOIN sysobjects vw ON =

    JOIN sysobjects t ON = sd.depid AND t.xtype = 'U'


    vw.[name] LIKE 'VW_%'


    ViewName, TableName



    t.[name] AS TableName,

    vw.[name] AS ViewName


    sysdepends sd

    JOIN sysobjects vw ON =

    JOIN sysobjects t ON = sd.depid AND t.xtype = 'U'


    vw.[name] LIKE 'VW_%'


    TableName, ViewName

    Thank you for all your help and thoughts though chaps.

    Much appreciated

  • sbowell (9/15/2009)

    I need to update the SQL to use the 2005 system views but never-the-less you get the idea.

    Can I just say - if you're on 2008 (i know this in the 2005 forum - but still) then use sys.sql_expression_dependencies in preference to sys.sql_dependencies.

    sysdepends and sys.sql_dependencies are both broken in similar fashion. One way you can get around that is to define your view(s) with SCHEMABINDING - but that means you won't actually be able to change the underlying table without dropping and re-creating the view.

    Hope that helps. 😀

    Atlantis Interactive - SQL Server Tools
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  • sbowell (9/15/2009)

    Stupid Questions are ALWAYS a good idea.

    No, I was try to use an after trigger. However due to the complexity, age and size of our system, it won't be possible to change all of the code to update the views instead of the underlying tables. I think Matt is right when he says I misunderstood triggers on views.

    I was indeed hoping that if I updated an underlying table, the views triggers would fire. I now realise that it doesn't quite work like that.

    Yep, from BOL triggers on views need to be INSTEAD OF... You'll get it figured out..


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