Changing Multiple Databases Ownership to SA

  • I'm trying to develop a script in TSQL which employs sp_changedbowner to change all non system databases back to sa but am running into a problem with the 'Use" syntax to switch the database context that I'm in.

    Script I've been testing with follows:

    Anyone have any ideas to get around this?



    --create procedure ChgDbOwner as


    /* Declare Cursor for Databases to BE EXCLUDED */

    DECLARE DatabaseList CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases

    WHERE rtrim(lower(name)) not in('master','model','tempdb','msdb')

    ORDER BY name


    DECLARE @AltrDBStr varchar(200),

                 @AltrDBStr2 varchar(200),

                 @DB_Name varchar(50)


    OPEN DatabaseList

    FETCH NEXT FROM DatabaseList INTO @db_name



       PRINT @db_name

       select @AltrDBStr2 = 'use ' + @db_name

       print @AltrDBStr2


       select @AltrDBStr = ' sp_changedbowner testme '

       print @AltrDBStr


       FETCH NEXT FROM DatabaseList INTO @db_name


    CLOSE DatabaseList

    DEALLOCATE DatabaseList


    /* Declare Cursor for Databases to BE EXCLUDED */

    DECLARE DatabaseList CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases

    WHERE rtrim(lower(name)) not in('master','model','tempdb','msdb')

    ORDER BY name


    DECLARE @AltrDBStr varchar(200),

                 @AltrDBStr2 nvarchar(200),

                 @DB_Name varchar(50)


    OPEN DatabaseList

    FETCH NEXT FROM DatabaseList INTO @db_name



       select @AltrDBStr2 = "use " + @db_name + " exec sp_changedbowner 'sa'"

       print @AltrDBStr2

       EXECUTE sp_executesql @AltrDBStr2

       FETCH NEXT FROM DatabaseList INTO @db_name


    CLOSE DatabaseList

    DEALLOCATE DatabaseList

  • The new 'look' doesn't allow me to properly format this, so bear with me. There's an 'undocumented' procedure called sp_msforeachdb which allows you to execute upto three commands for every database on the system. Example: EXEC sp_msforeachdb 'USE ?; exec sp_changedbowner 'newname'' The command will replace the ? with each database name. -SQLBill (Credit to Ken Henderson - Guru's Guide to Transact SQL)

  • I had to create a procedure recently to do the same thing. I needed to change all tables back to dbo. The ownership of the tables belong to the nt accounts that imported the data into sql.

    Here is the sp I created (not pretty but it does just the job!)


    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_changeowner] AS

    set nocount on

    declare @table  sysname

    declare @sql nvarchar(255)

    declare @owner nvarchar(255)

    declare service_list cursor for select table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where table_schema <>'dbo'

    open service_list

    fetch next from service_list into @table

    while @@fetch_status=0


    set @owner = (select (table_schema) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where table_schema <>'dbo' and table_name = @table)

    set @table = (select (table_name) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where table_schema <>'dbo' and table_name = @table)

    exec ( 'exec sp_changeobjectowner N''[' +@owner + '].'+@table + ''', N''dbo''')

    fetch next from service_list into @table


    deallocate service_list



    Hope this helps



  • You could eliminate the USE DB stmt entirely, specifying the target DB instead when executing the sp proc.  All master sp procs can be used this way, pretty convenient.  This yields one-line solution: 

    exec sp_MSforeachdb 'if ''?'' not in (''master'',''model'',''tempdb'',''msdb'') exec ?..sp_changedbowner testme', '?'

    note:  there are no double-quotes above, just single-quotes, sometimes paird

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