Can there be a Query for this type

  • Hello

    I m having a table with following structure and data


    BNO int

    GNO int

    Point int


    BNO GNO Point

    1 1 6 

    1 2 8 

    1 3 3 

    1 4 10

    2 1 1 

    2 2 2 

    2 3 4

    2 4 6

    Now i want to print data like a matrix ie


    BID/GID 1 2 3 4

    1 6 8 3 10

    2 1 2 4 6



    is it possible to write a query for SQL SERVER to get this type of output


  • It is possible, but your requirements/specifications are incomplete.

    Are there only 4 GNO's, or can there be more ?

    Does each BNO *always* have exactly 4 GNO's ?

  • If the above questions are affirmative then the solution will be something like this

    SELECT bno, MAX (CASE WHEN gno = 1 THEN point) AS 1,

    MAX (CASE WHEN gno = 2 THEN point) AS 2,

    MAX (CASE WHEN gno = 3 THEN point) AS 3,

    MAX (CASE WHEN gno = 4 THEN point) AS 4

    FROM Point_Table

    Order by bno

    the output will be this






  • No always 4 Gno's its about 27 always both gno and bno r 27

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