Can index fragmentation cause the database to enter suspect mode?

  • My database was in suspect mode, and when I checked using DBCC CHECKDB, it returned errors.

    As mentioned in the link below, I used the REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS option with the DBCC CHECKDB command, but few errors persisted.

    Later, I dropped and recreated the indexes. This resolved the issue.

    My question is whether index fragmentation could have caused the database to go into suspect mode (Drive health check showed no issues).

  • Hm,

    have you checked your errorlog, when your database changed to suspect mode. Was this the time, when the index maintenance run?

    Or where some other events on the time, when the database changed to suspect mode? What about job scheduler on this time?

    I can't believe this would happen without any impact from outside.

    Best regards,


  • IT researcher wrote:

    Later, I dropped and recreated the indexes. This resolved the issue.

    My question is whether index fragmentation could have caused the database to go into suspect mode (Drive health check showed no issues).

    Considering the fact that Online Rebuilds of Clustered Indexes in the Enterprise Version of SQL Server 2012 actually caused index corruption, NOTHING would surprise me here, even though they supposedly had the fix incorporated for good in SP3.

    Are you using any form of "Resumable" or "Online" Index Creations or Rebuilds?Β  Anything being done with "Wait at low priority"?

    I know of no problems with those things but those would be where I'd start looking just based on the history of SQL Server 2012.


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  • IT researcher wrote:

    My database was in suspect mode, and when I checked using DBCC CHECKDB, it returned errors.

    As mentioned in the link below, I used the REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS option with the DBCC CHECKDB command, but few errors persisted.

    Later, I dropped and recreated the indexes. This resolved the issue.

    My question is whether index fragmentation could have caused the database to go into suspect mode (Drive health check showed no issues).

    That link contains some very bad advice, ideal situation would be restore from backup, repair allow data loss absolute last ditch. DBCC CHECKDB would produce an output detailing which object_id(s) and index_id(s) are affected, did you look at these at all.

    I would be more concerned about the data that has just been lost by pages being relinked and the corrupt pages now removed.


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  • Error: 9001<c/> Severity: 21<c/> State: 5.
    Error during rollback. shutting down database (location: 1).
    Database was shutdown due to error 3314 in routine 'XdesRMReadWrite::RollbackToLsn'. Restart for non-snapshot databases will be attempted after all connections to the database are aborted.
    During undoing of a logged operation in database <c/> an error occurred at log record ID (203210:9224:339). Typically<c/> the specific failure is logged previously as an error in the operating system error log. Restore the database or file from a backup<c/> or repair the database.

    I have noted these errors shown above in the Error Log.

  • After errorlog investigation:

    first thing to do is to take another LOG backup ( if db recovery model <> simple )

    Then restore from full backup and add the needed DIFF and LOG backups.

    Repair allow data loss: Which data did you lose ?


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  • Original DBCC CHECKDB output would be helpful, with no outputs available would be safe to say data loss is unknown

    if you knew what table(s) or index(es) were affected could restore backup and run row comparison between objects to ascertain what’s been removed


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