Binding SQL Server instances to distinct IP addresses

  • We have a SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition server running multiple instances.  Each instance get its own specific port on a common IP address by default.  We would like to have all instances use the same port, and have each instance use a different IP Address on the same server and NIC.  To date we have been unable to get specific information on if this can be accomplished and if it cain how do we do this.  We have contacted the local Microsoft Office SQL Server product specialist, and we have worked with our Microsoft Premier support TAM.  Neither person has had any luck in getting us this information.

    Please help

    Bryan Garcia

  • Wow. I guess you might not have an option since your TAM and Premier Support cannot provide an answer. Out of curiosity was this just a question or did you open up a formal 'case' under your support contract ? If it was a question, then maybe no one wanted to dig deep enough. If it was a formal 'case' then you already have your answer.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • >>Binding SQL Server instances to distinct IP addresses<<

    You Can't ... unless you use clustering


    * Noel

  • Just out of curiousity, why would you want to do that? I can't see getting any performance advantage out of it.

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