backup restore

  • I am restoring a database pubsdb. The database fullbackup was taken on 1/1/2006 and after that every day a differential backup was scheduled to run for every 9 hrs a day starting from 10:00 am and that differential backup will be appended to the full backup taken on 1/1/2006.

    But when I try to restore the DB from the backup set Its giving the following error. Actually My backup is in E drive. so when I try to restore the DB from E drive how its looking for a file in D drive.

    Any Ideas?

    Error from event log:

    18204 :

    BackupDiskFile:penMedia: Backup device 'd:\MSSQL\BACKUP\pubsdb_00__bff8da23_5ab4_4606_9260_7113243b9e84_' failed

     to open. Operating system error = 2(The system cannot find the file specified.).

  • What does your restore command look like?

    Also, you don't need to restore EVERY differential. Only restore the FULL and the MOST RECENT differential. Log backups are the ones that need all restored.


  • I am restoring the DB from enterprise manager,not with any commands.



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