Backup Monitoring and Reporting

  • Somebody please help me . i can't run backupAnalysis.ps1 script

    I dont have powershell on my server since its a Windows 2003 Server

    Is there alternateive procedures written for this.

    Kindly help



  • Somebody please help me . i can't run backupAnalysis.ps1 script

    I dont have powershell on my server since its a Windows 2003 Server

    Is there alternateive procedures written for this.

    Kindly help



  • Can you please help me . i can't run backupAnalysis.ps1 script

    I dont have powershell on my server since its a Windows 2003 Server

    Is there alternateive procedures written for this.

    Kindly help



  • Hello Navendu

    They're probably still sleeping over in the USA so thought I would post the link where you can download powershell for windows server 2003. My server is Windows 2003 and powershell worked fine. Once you've downloaded it, select it from the start menu. It loads a window similar to a command prompt. Navigate to where you've stored your backupanalysis.ps1 file and then type .\backupanalysis.ps1 (exactly as Chad detailed in his instructions)

    The link is



  • Hello Chad

    That's great - hadn't spotted that extra update was required and all is fine now - you're a star!

    I did give myself a panic moment though by gleefully removing all data and then running the jobs to re-populate them and then wondering why there was nothing there. Your instructions saved the day again though as I noticed the comment that the powershell script is set to only pick up new rows. Temporarily removed that line, ran it all again and Bingo

    Thanks again


  • Jackie,

    I'm glad it worked out. My process for creating articles or blog posts start from something I've implemented at work. This approach requires I remove or account for customizations needed in my environment. Usually I catch these, but I missed this one.

  • Hi Chad

    Sorry to bother you again on this, but I've added a new SQL instance recently and whilst it appears in the reports fine, for some reason the system databases (model, master, msdb) always show with success as False, even though the backups have worked. I note your comments in the article about the backup window, but these are backed up every 3 hours during the day so there should be some appearing within the backup window of 6pm to 6am.

    On other instances, the system db's appear with success as True.

    I don't remember having to set anything specifically up for this on the other instances but I get a deja vue feeling that I've missed something (again!)

    It's not urgent anyway, as the prod db's are showing and that's the most important.



  • I don't see anything in the code where system databases are excluded. I would suggest running this query on the instances where the system databases are not reporting as successfully backed up:

    SELECT @@servername, backup_set_id, database_name, backup_start_date, backup_finish_date, user_name,type

    FROM backupset

    WHERE type IN ('D','I')

    AND backup_start_date > 2009-10-20

    AND database_name in ('master','model','msdb')

    One thought, I've seen servers where the @@servername does not return to the correct server name. This can cause problems for the report. This happpens if the server was renamed or master database restored from another server. You can fix this by using sp_dropserver and sp_addserver 'local', see Books Online.

  • Hi Chad

    It's a strange one and not sure why it only does it on that new instance. However, I've had to move the databases to one of the existing instances anyway and so the problem has "gone away". Thanks for your help again!



  • working on deploying this now. working out some data integrity issues and i'm not using the built in reports. made my own. here is an example for any databases that haven't been backed up in the last 7 days.

    select server_name as Server_Name, dbname as Database_Name, max(backup_finish_date) as Backup_End_Time, Backup_Type =

    case type

    when 'D' then 'Full backup'

    when 'I' then 'Differential Backup'

    when 'L' then 'Transaction Log Backup'

    when 'F' then 'filegroup Backup'

    when 'G' then 'Differential File backup'

    else 'See Books Online'


    from backupset_dim

    where dbname not in ('master', 'msdb', 'ReportServer', 'ReportServerTempDB', 'pubs', 'Northwind', 'model')

    and dbname not in (select dbname from db_exclude_dim)

    and Type = 'D'

    and backup_finish_date > '2009-01-01'

    and server_name not in ('xxx', 'xxx4', 'xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx')

    group by dbname, server_name, Type

    having max(backup_finish_date) < getdate() -7

    order by server_name, database_name

  • hello,

    when I run the following powershell script, I get an error.

    $destServer = 'VM-KMCSQL2005'

    $destdb = 'BackupMonitoring'


    function Get-SqlData


    param([string]$serverName=$(throw 'serverName is required.'), [string]$databaseName=$(throw 'databaseName is required.'),

    [string]$query=$(throw 'query is required.'))

    Write-Verbose "Get-SqlData serverName:$serverName databaseName:$databaseName query:$query"

    $connString = "Server=$serverName;Database=$databaseName;Integrated Security=SSPI;"

    $da = New-Object "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter" ($query,$connString)

    $dt = New-Object "System.Data.DataTable"

    $da.fill($dt) > $null


    } #Get-SqlData


    function Get-BackupSet



    $qry = @"

    SELECT @@servername, backup_set_id, database_name, backup_start_date, backup_finish_date, user_name,type

    FROM backupset

    WHERE type IN ('D','I')

    AND backup_start_date > '2008-01-01'

    AND backup_set_id > $backup_set_id


    Get-SqlData $srcServer 'msdb' $qry

    }# Get-BackupSet


    function Write-DataTableToDatabase


    param ($dataTable,$destTbl)

    $connectionString = "Data Source=$destServer;Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog=$destdb;"

    $bulkCopy = new-object ("Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy") $connectionString

    $bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "$destTbl"


    }# Write-DataTableToDatabase


    ## MAIN ##


    Get-SqlData $destServer $destDb "SELECT * FROM server_dim" |

    foreach {$dataTable = Get-BackupSet $_.server_name $_.max_backup_set_id; if ($dataTable) { Write-DataTableToDatabase $dataTable 'backupset_dim'} }


    Exception calling "Fill" with "1" argument(s): "Incorrect syntax near '>'."

    At H:\SQLServerBackupAnalysis\backupAnalysis.ps1:30 char:13

    + $da.fill <<<< ($dt)

    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DotNetMethodException

    If someone can assist me, I will greatly appreciate it

  • Although I don't see anything wrong with this line. The error message pertains to it, so change this:

    $da.fill($dt) > $null

    to this


  • Hey Chad.. Great script! Thanks!! I ran into a slight problem. The Powershell script works great if all the SQL Servers are in the same or trusted domains. However, I've got one server that is in an untrusted domain, so the integrated security authentication that the Powershell script uses doesn't work. It would be awesome if this could be changed to also allow the use of SQL logins. I tried to add that, but failed, so I resorted to linking the stray server and getting that backup data via a stored procedure. (I also modified the server_dim table to include a domain column and changed the PS script to only look for servers in the same or trusted domains.)

    Thanks again for the great script!!

  • OK. I'm trying to create a SQL Agent job that runs this and it is failing. I think I'm missing something pretty basic.. Right now, the job only has one step - to run the Powerscript script. I'm using SQL 2008 and the step type in the job is set to PowerShell. I pasted the script into the Command window. When the job runs, it fails with a syntax error on line 25. Line 25 is basically the first line of code:

    function Get-SqlData


    Line 25 is the {.

    Any suggestions? The script runs fine from a Powershell window.

  • You shouldn't paste the Powershell script in the command windows. Instead for SQL 2008 setup a job with a Powershell command step and only have the path to the script plus and ampersand:

    For example:


    Modify the above with your path and ensure the service account has access to the path.

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