Backup Directly to a GCS Bucket in SQL Server 2022

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  • Short question: WHY should I backup direct from my local server to cloud storage?

    Wouldn't it be much better / faster to create the backup locally and copy it to the storage when done?

    Google (or any other network storage) may not always be available because of strange network problems, which can be very annoying, when it happens at 95% of a 1 TB backup. And of course everything that goes over the wire is slower than local, so you are blocking at least the transaction log (much) longer that if you would do your backup local first.

    And the same happens when you need to restore your database - local is much faster and a network problem will not cancel your restore after 6 h at 95%.

    PS: of course you should / need to copy your local backups automatical to another server / storage / cloud / whatever, otherwise you'll have a problem, if your server catches fire, gets infected by some ransom ware etc.. But / and ideally wouldn't your local server copy the stuff to the other server / cloud, but the other server / cloud would pull the backups from your local server. This way you need no write permission on the other storage, which helps e.g. vs. ransom ware or junior DBAs.

    God is real, unless declared integer.

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