AWE check

  • I was testing some new monitoring sofwtare on one of our SQL servers and it was giving me alerts that paging/sec was very high. I noticed that out of 12.5GB of RAM, 8.5GB is free. I checked and found that AWE was not enabled for this server. I have plans for enabling it. Should that fix the paging errors?

  • Yes, additional memory will help alleviate paging.


    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Read the following article which will help to configure memory...


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • As the paging is unlikely to be sql server awe may not resolve anything. The DBA always says, however, if there's memory then use it!!!  I'd certainly enable awe, but be aware it adds it's own overhead. I'd check more thoroughly in task manager to see which processses are repsonsible for paging, on one of my clusters it's all the monitoring software which is repsonsible.!!

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • Def have to agree with you on that one!!

  • Fixed all the problems. The SQL cannot be the cause because the cache hit ratio in 99%+.


    I need to find what it is that causes the large spikes in paging.

  • Whenever you run a SQL Server backup or transaction log backup, it will generate a large amount of paging as data is loaded into the file system cache before it is written to disk.

    Check to see if the paging occurs in spikes at the same time as your backups or transaction log backups.  It if does, there is probably nothing to worry about.




  • I do have transaction log backups every 15 minutes. I thought about that but it's slightly more frequent. It could be a few of these jobs that are on this server which I am unfamiliar with since they were created by another company.  Nobody is complaining about performance so I think I'll rest easy.


     By the way, we were monitoring this server with MOM2005. I think that agent cause most of the intial performance problems by itself.

  • either use perfmon or expand the display columns in task manager to display handles, pageing etc. and monitor.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

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