Avoiding Dynamic SQL in Stored Procedures

  • One of the common things I need my stored procedures to do is apply parameters in certain cases but not others.

    Let us suppose that we have a table mapping clients to account managers.

    CREATE TABLE Tbl_ClientAccountManager (

    ClientID INT NOT NULL ,

    AccountManagerID INT NOT NULL ,

    CONSTRAINT PK_ClientContact PRIMARY KEY (ClientID , AccountManagerID) )

    In some cases I want to retrieve all account managers for a specific client, in others I want to retrieve all clients for a specific account manager.

    Assuming that genuine ID fields are greater than zero the following will work:-

    CREATE PROC usp_SelectClientAccountManager @ClientID Int = -1 , @AccountManager Int = -1 AS


    SELECT *

    FROM Tbl_ClientAccountManager

    WHERE ( ClientID = @ClientID OR @ClientID = -1) AND ( AccountManagerID = @AccountManagerID OR @AccountManagerID = -1)


  • Would'nt this work

    CREATE PROC usp_SelectClientAccountManager @ClientID Int , @AccountManager Int AS


    SELECT *

    FROM Tbl_ClientAccountManager

    WHERE ( ClientID = ISNULL(@ClientID,ClientID))

    AND ( AccountManagerID = ISNULL(@AccountManagerID,ClientID))


  • Oops

    CREATE PROC usp_SelectClientAccountManager @ClientID Int , @AccountManager Int AS


    SELECT *

    FROM Tbl_ClientAccountManager

    WHERE ( ClientID = ISNULL(@ClientID,ClientID))

    AND ( AccountManagerID = ISNULL(@AccountManagerID,AccountManagerID))

  • Yes, it works.

    I read somewhere that evaluating NULLs has a performance hit, although I suspect it is very minor in this case

  • You've got to be executing that code a LOT to worry about the time it takes to evaluate nulls! Code it so that it works, cleanly.


  • This mechanism should really be avoided due to the fact that indexes cannot be used optimally. Dynamic SQL is not a bad thing if used correctly. Inserting 100000 rows into the table and then using the sp for any value will involve reading 633 pages of data (only to return 3 rows).

    Change the SP to check for NULL and the index can then be used and so when passing a clientId only 3 pages are read.

    Try the code below, which increases the amount of data to be read by adding a char column. This can be taken off to show the original results

    The following discussion details the pros and cons of dynamic SQL. The main point is that using sp_executesql to issue a parameterised query is just as performant as the use of an SP.


    drop table Tbl_ClientAccountManager


    CREATE TABLE Tbl_ClientAccountManager (

    ClientID INT NOT NULL ,

    AccountManagerID INT NOT NULL ,

    duffData char(100) )


    set nocount on

    declare @i int

    set @i = 0

    begin transaction

    while @i < 10000


    insert into Tbl_ClientAccountManager values (@i, 10000-@i,'')

    insert into Tbl_ClientAccountManager values (@i, 10000-@i+1,'')

    insert into Tbl_ClientAccountManager values (@i, 10000-@i+2,'')

    set @i = @i +1

    if @i % 2000 = 0


    commit transaction

    begin transaction



    commit transaction

    set nocount off


    alter table Tbl_ClientAccountManager add CONSTRAINT PK_ClientContact PRIMARY KEY (ClientID , AccountManagerID)

    CREATE INDEX i_Tbl_ClientAccountManager_AccountManagerId ON Tbl_ClientAccountManager(AccountManagerID)


    drop procedure usp_SelectClientAccountManager

    drop procedure usp_SelectClientAccountManager2


    CREATE PROC usp_SelectClientAccountManager @ClientID Int , @AccountManagerID Int AS


    SELECT *

    FROM Tbl_ClientAccountManager

    WHERE ( ClientID = ISNULL(@ClientID,ClientID))

    AND ( AccountManagerID = ISNULL(@AccountManagerID,AccountManagerID))


    CREATE PROC usp_SelectClientAccountManager2 @ClientID Int , @AccountManagerID Int AS


    IF @ClientId is NOT NULL

    SELECT *

    FROM Tbl_ClientAccountManager

    WHERE ClientID = @ClientID


    SELECT *

    FROM Tbl_ClientAccountManager

    WHERE AccountManagerID = @AccountManagerID


    set statistics io on

    exec usp_SelectClientAccountManager 2324,null

    exec usp_SelectClientAccountManager null,99

    exec usp_SelectClientAccountManager2 2324,null

    exec usp_SelectClientAccountManager2 null,99

    set statistics io off

    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP


  • i agree with you simon ...the if contruct would be more optimized

    but the solution i choose depends on how complex the query is ...i often find myself writing complex queries that link a lot of tables with the requirement of such conditional comparison .. and that would mean that i need to write a if contruct for each variation ..which at times becomes impractical if not impossible ..

    it basically a trade off between performance and ease of maintainance/usability...

    i've used the ISNULL solution quite a few times.. and the performance loss is not that significant because i usually tend to put all my queries into procedures ..however if the query required total optimization i would consider the if contruct...

  • The problem is that the number of queries you need to write grows geometrically.

    1 variable = 2 queries.

    2 variables = 4 queries.

    3 variables = 8 queries etc.

    In other words the number of combinations is 2 to the power of the number of variables.

    In the past I have avoided building up query strings because they can be difficult to maintain and because the query is compiled at runtime.

    I understand that on subsequent runs of sp_ExecuteSQL the query plan for the 1st run is re-used, but what is the life cycle for the query plan?

    Is the use of sp_ExecuteSQL really preferable to the the earlier examples in this dicussion thread?

  • This is what books online says about sp_executesql


    sp_executesql can be used instead of stored procedures to execute a Transact-SQL statement a number of times when the change in parameter values to the statement is the only variation. Because the Transact-SQL statement itself remains constant and only the parameter values change, the Microsoft® SQL Server™ query optimizer is likely to reuse the execution plan it generates for the first execution.


    This would mean that if you generated a string for using with sp_executesql the Query plan would not be used...passing parameters to the sp_executesql would mean the same as creating a procedure without the benefit of pre-compilation AND notice the statement "query optimizer is likely to reuse the execution plan"..

  • When we have this situation, (same result set, multiple selection criteria)

    we do something like this

    create proc myProc (@CustId int=NULL, @MgrID int = NULL


    declare @MyCust int, @myMrgint

    set @MyCust = coalease(@CustID, 0)

    set @MyMgr = coalease(@MgrID, 0)

    select *

    from org

    where Custid=@MyCustID

    or @myMgr = @MyMgr

    This assumes that 0 is not a value custID or MgrID. You can make 0 anything you want.

    This coalesces() just once per var and optimizes the same regardless of whether something is passed in for the parm or not. You just can't search for "AND" conditions with this logic.

    The other thing you could try is a self join with the criteria but it would be ugly and error-prone.

  • With that you must always get a tablescan.

    Simon Sabin

    Co-author of SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled


    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP


  • Well this looks a lot like the discussion we had with optional parameters.

    Then i Posted this solution.....

    I have some experience with this too and i found out that when you are using several paremeters it is better to build te string Dynamically and use SP_Executesql.....

    Some Advantages :

    1. Very Easy to maintain

    2. ALWAYS a good query plan

    3. Add as much optional parameters as you want,

    the resulting query will always be an exact mach of what YOU want.....

    4. Beats a COALESCE by FAR..... ( 10 to 30 times faster )

    Here is the example......

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.OptionalParemeters


    @Field1 int = null, /* optional variable */

    @Field2 varchar(64) = null, /* optional variable */

    @Field3 varchar(16) = null, /* optional variable */




    Declare @ColumnStr varchar(600)

    Declare @FromStr varchar(100)

    Declare @JoinStr varchar(500)

    Declare @WhereStr varchar(2000)

    Declare @SQLStatement nvarchar(3000)

    -- Define the columns to display

    Set @ColumnStr = '







    -- Define from table

    Set @FromStr = '

    Table1 m


    -- Define the joined tables

    Set @JoinStr = '

    Left join Table1 J on M.ID=J.ID


    -- Empty the where clause

    Set @WhereStr = ''

    if @Field1 is not NULL -- Is this parameter filled ?


    if rtrim(@WhereStr) <> '' set @WhereStr = @WhereStr + ' and ' -- do we have to add ' AND '

    set @WhereStr = @WhereStr + ' m.Field1 =' + str(@pv_field1)


    if @Field2 is not NULL -- Is this parameter filled ?


    if rtrim(@WhereStr) <> '' set @WhereStr = @WhereStr + ' and ' -- do we have to add ' AND '

    set @WhereStr = @WhereStr + ' m.Field2=' + char(39)+ @Field2 +char(39)


    if @Field3 is not NULL -- Is this parameter filled ?


    if rtrim(@WhereStr) <> '' set @WhereStr = @WhereStr + ' and ' -- do we have to add ' AND '

    set @WhereStr = @WhereStr + ' m.Field2=' + char(39)+ @Field3 +char(39)


    if rtrim(@WhereStr) <> '' set @Wherestr = +' Where '+ @WhereStr

    set @SQLStatement = 'Select '+ @ColumnStr + ' From ' + @FromStr + ' ' + @Joinstr + @WhereStr

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLStatement


    I think this will ALWAYS result in a fast query..

    Ok so we loose the benefits op precompiled stuff but...........

    If you have 10 parameters and only two filled....... This will beat any ISNULL or coalesce query.......

    Tested it a lot of times, the only time you loose is the compilation of the query....

    Try it once and look at the results.....

    Do a DBCC FREEPROCCACHE first.....

  • The biggest argument against dynamic SQL: security.

    If you're comfortable letting users have access to the base tables, then it doesn't matter. However, with the case here where you're trying to return a query based on a specific account manager... a savvy user could open up Access (assuming he or she doesn't have the SQL Server client tools installed), link to the table, and return the whole table.

    sp_executesql keeps the stored procedure from recompiling mainly because it shifts the responsibility of determining if an execution plan is necessary to another batch. However, its execution plan will be cached as an ad-hoc query. Meaning it will be killed before the stored procedure all things being equal.

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • In a reply on Simon Sabin.

    I tested your solution but extended it a little.....

    set nocount on

    set statistics io on

    set statistics time on

    exec usp_SelectClientAccountManager 2324,null

    exec usp_SelectClientAccountManager null,99

    exec usp_SelectClientAccountManager2 2324,null

    exec usp_SelectClientAccountManager2 null,99

    exec sp_executesql N'SELECT * FROM Tbl_ClientAccountManager WHERE ClientID = 2324'

    exec sp_executesql N'SELECT * FROM Tbl_ClientAccountManager WHERE AccountManagerID = 99'

    When i did these queries on your testdatabase i got The same results as your second query. Although your solution is a good one if there are a few paremeters, your solution is hard to maintain for 10 parameters. That is why i try to tell people never to use a coalesce or isnull when a SP has optional parameters.

    But i did some additional testing..

    Declare @Now1 Datetime

    Declare @Now2 Datetime

    Declare @Now3 Datetime

    Declare @Now4 Datetime

    Declare @Now5 Datetime

    Declare @Now6 Datetime



    exec usp_SelectClientAccountManager 2324,null

    exec usp_SelectClientAccountManager null,99




    exec usp_SelectClientAccountManager2 2324,null

    exec usp_SelectClientAccountManager2 null,99




    exec sp_executesql N'SELECT * FROM Tbl_ClientAccountManager WHERE ClientID = 2324'

    exec sp_executesql N'SELECT * FROM Tbl_ClientAccountManager WHERE AccountManagerID = 99'


    print 'First version took : ' +ltrim(datediff(ms,@NOW1,@Now2)) + ' MS'

    print 'Second version took : ' +ltrim(datediff(ms,@NOW3,@Now4)) + ' MS'

    print 'Third version took : ' +ltrim(datediff(ms,@NOW5,@Now6)) + ' MS'

    And this resulted in :

    First version took : 70 MS

    Second version took : 10 MS

    Third version took : 10 MS

    Hoping to make a statement......

    Better use NO query plan at all than a BAD query plan.

  • Difficulty is that 10ms is the smallest unit went it comes to datediff and dates, so you need to do some looping. In addition should dropcleanbuffers otherwise the first suffers from having to read all the data from the disk.

    Simon Sabin

    Co-author of SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled


    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP


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