Availability Group Actions on Startup - AG Not Enabled

  • I just came across something that seems strange to me and after researching it, I am still without an answer.

    On my SQL Server 2017 installations, every time the server restarts I get the following messages in my error log:

    Always On: The availability replica manager is starting. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

    Always On: The availability replica manager is waiting for the instance of SQL Server to allow client connections. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

    What has me confused is that I have not done anything to try and enable Availability Groups (AG).  I have also checked all the settings to make sure nothing had been setup without my knowledge.  Everything says AG is not setup on my servers.

    Along with these messages, at every startup, or after a database is restored, I get messages for any databases just started up like the following:

    Parallel redo is started for database 'MyDB' with worker pool size [2].

    This is quickly followed by the following message:

    Parallel redo is shutdown for database 'MyDB' with worker pool size [2].

    I only see this on startup and it doesn't seem to present any problem but I am wondering why I am getting these messages when I don't have anything with AG's setup.  When I have looked these messages up, all I get is information about setting up, and configuring, AG's.  I can't find anything about this happening unexpectedly.

    Is this something new with SQL Server 2017?  Is this something I need to be concerned with?  Do I need to re-configure anything?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.



  • This won't help you much but a few weeks ago I asked in another thread about the same thing. It's a SQL 2017 instance that is technically part of a cluster, but the Availability Groups feature is not (and never has been) enabled. Like you, I can't find anything about it online.

  • Thanks for responding and at least letting me know I haven't lost my mind about not being able to find anything.  The strange thing is, these instances are default instances and they are not on a cluster.  The only possibility I can think of that may make these instances think they are on a cluster is that all of these servers are virtual servers.  There may be something setup there that makes it think it is a cluster.  I have never seen this before, though, on any other servers prior to SQL Server 2017 so there must be something new there as well.



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