assigning a record form one table to another

  • I used the row counts to limit the number of downloadcodes loaded to the temp file. Operating in a partial vacuum (more downloadocdes than members but no real numbers) why put 100,000 codes in the temp file when only a few thousand (or less) are needed.

    Let us know how the code you finally use works.

  • Lynn Pettis (12/22/2009)

    set @MemberCount = @@rowcount; -- How many members with out download codes

    set rowcount @MemberCount; -- SQL Server 2000

    Lynn, that's a neat little trick I never thought of. I was working on using dynamic SQL to build a SELECT TOP X query based on the row count. Then I thought "this is ridiculous, no one would ever do this", and then I saw your solution. It's always the little things that help me most. Thanks.

    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.

  • Greg Snidow (12/22/2009)

    Lynn Pettis (12/22/2009)

    set @MemberCount = @@rowcount; -- How many members with out download codes

    set rowcount @MemberCount; -- SQL Server 2000

    Lynn, that's a neat little trick I never thought of. I was working on using dynamic SQL to build a SELECT TOP X query based on the row count. Then I thought "this is ridiculous, no one would ever do this", and then I saw your solution. It's always the little things that help me most. Thanks.

    Using my code, would you like to see how I would change it for SQL Server 2005?

  • Here is my SQL Server 2005/2008 code for the same problem:

    --create download code table

    create table #DownloadCode


    dlc varchar(14) not null,

    dlcmembernumber numeric(13,0),

    dlcdatereceived datetime,

    dlcdateexpires datetime,

    dlcissuedby varchar(50)


    alter table #DownloadCode add primary key clustered (dlc)

    insert into #DownloadCode(dlc)

    select '2Kk6zf439f' union

    select '2T3NhCD6b9' union

    select '37NfDzD4J3' union

    select '42kGCcHM9D' union

    select '4H4jzDGG93' union

    select '4yCH6MjjKk'

    --create members table

    create table #Members


    membernumber numeric(13,0) not null


    alter table #Members add primary key clustered (membernumber)

    insert into #Members(membernumber)

    select 1 union

    select 2 union

    select 3 union

    select 4 union

    select 5

    create table #tmpMembers(

    MemberId int identity(1,1),

    membernumber numeric(13,0)


    create table #tmpDownloadCode(

    DLCId int identity(1,1),

    dlc varchar(14) not null


    declare @MemberCount int;

    insert into #tmpMembers(membernumber)




    #Members m

    left outer join #DownloadCode dc

    on m.membernumber = dc.dlcmembernumber


    dc.dlcmembernumber is null;

    set @MemberCount = @@rowcount; -- How many members with out download codes

    insert into #tmpDownloadCode(dlc)

    select top (@MemberCount)





    dlcmembernumber is null;






    #DownloadCode dc

    inner join #tmpDownloadCode d

    on (dc.dlc = d.dlc)

    inner join #tmpMembers m

    on (d.DLCId = m.MemberId);

    declare @DateReceived datetime;

    update #DownloadCode set

    dlcmembernumber = m.membernumber,

    @DateReceived = dlcdatereceived = getdate(),

    dlcissuedby = 'DTS Package',

    dlcdateexpires = dateadd(yy, 1, @DateReceived)


    #DownloadCode dc

    inner join #tmpDownloadCode d

    on (dc.dlc = d.dlc)

    inner join #tmpMembers m

    on (d.DLCId = m.MemberId);

    select * from #DownloadCode;

  • Greg Snidow (12/22/2009)

    Lynn Pettis (12/22/2009)

    set @MemberCount = @@rowcount; -- How many members with out download codes

    set rowcount @MemberCount; -- SQL Server 2000

    Lynn, that's a neat little trick I never thought of. I was working on using dynamic SQL to build a SELECT TOP X query based on the row count. Then I thought "this is ridiculous, no one would ever do this", and then I saw your solution. It's always the little things that help me most. Thanks.

    I'd love to see it. I'm actually using 2008 right now to work on these posts, but I don't know anything that was not in 2000, except for CTE's. If you would be so willing, it would be a good opportunity for me to see a solution work both ways. Thanks.

    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.

  • Greg Snidow (12/22/2009)

    Greg Snidow (12/22/2009)

    Lynn Pettis (12/22/2009)

    set @MemberCount = @@rowcount; -- How many members with out download codes

    set rowcount @MemberCount; -- SQL Server 2000

    Lynn, that's a neat little trick I never thought of. I was working on using dynamic SQL to build a SELECT TOP X query based on the row count. Then I thought "this is ridiculous, no one would ever do this", and then I saw your solution. It's always the little things that help me most. Thanks.

    I'd love to see it. I'm actually using 2008 right now to work on these posts, but I don't know anything that was not in 2000, except for CTE's. If you would be so willing, it would be a good opportunity for me to see a solution work both ways. Thanks.

    Already posted it. Actually, that is a port of the 2000 version. Given a bit more time, I'd come up with something different. Give me a bit of time.

  • Here is the original SQL Server 2005/2008 code I had envisioned earlier in the post:

    --create download code table

    create table #DownloadCode


    dlc varchar(14) not null,

    dlcmembernumber numeric(13,0),

    dlcdatereceived datetime,

    dlcdateexpires datetime,

    dlcissuedby varchar(50)


    alter table #DownloadCode add primary key clustered (dlc)

    insert into #DownloadCode(dlc)

    select '2Kk6zf439f' union

    select '2T3NhCD6b9' union

    select '37NfDzD4J3' union

    select '42kGCcHM9D' union

    select '4H4jzDGG93' union

    select '4yCH6MjjKk'

    --create members table

    create table #Members


    membernumber numeric(13,0) not null


    alter table #Members add primary key clustered (membernumber)

    insert into #Members(membernumber)

    select 1 union

    select 2 union

    select 3 union

    select 4 union

    select 5;

    with UnassignedMembers (



    ) as (


    row_number() over (order by m.membernumber),



    #Members m

    left outer join #DownloadCode dc

    on (m.membernumber = dc.dlcmembernumber)


    dc.dlcmembernumber is null)


    UnassignedDLCs (



    ) as (

    select top (select count(*) from UnassignedMembers)

    row_number() over (order by dc.dlc),



    #DownloadCode dc


    dc.dlcmembernumber is null)

    update #DownloadCode set

    dlcmembernumber = um.MemberNumber,

    dlcdatereceived = getdate(),

    dlcissuedby = 'DTS Package'


    #DownloadCode dc

    inner join UnassignedDLCs ud

    on dc.dlc = ud.DLC

    inner join UnassignedMembers um

    on ud.RowNumber = um.RowNumber;

    select * from #DownloadCode;

  • Slight mod to the code for testing:

    --create download code table

    create table #DownloadCode


    dlc uniqueidentifier not null,

    dlcmembernumber numeric(13,0),

    dlcdatereceived datetime,

    dlcdateexpires datetime,

    dlcissuedby varchar(50)


    alter table #DownloadCode add primary key clustered (dlc)

    insert into #DownloadCode(dlc)

    select newid()

    from dbo.Tally

    where N <= 1000000;

    --create members table

    create table #Members


    membernumber numeric(13,0) not null


    alter table #Members add primary key clustered (membernumber)

    insert into #Members(membernumber)

    select N

    from dbo.Tally

    where N <= 25000;

    set statistics io on;

    set statistics time on;

    with UnassignedMembers (



    ) as (


    row_number() over (order by m.membernumber),



    #Members m

    left outer join #DownloadCode dc

    on (m.membernumber = dc.dlcmembernumber)


    dc.dlcmembernumber is null)


    UnassignedDLCs (



    ) as (

    select top (select count(*) from UnassignedMembers)

    row_number() over (order by dc.dlc),



    #DownloadCode dc


    dc.dlcmembernumber is null)

    update #DownloadCode set

    dlcmembernumber = um.MemberNumber,

    dlcdatereceived = getdate(),

    dlcissuedby = 'DTS Package'


    #DownloadCode dc

    inner join UnassignedDLCs ud

    on dc.dlc = ud.DLC

    inner join UnassignedMembers um

    on ud.RowNumber = um.RowNumber;

    set statistics time off;

    set statistics io off;

    select * from #DownloadCode;

    Statistics results (running on a dual quad-core server):

    (25000 row(s) affected)

    Table '#Members____________________________________________________________________________________________________________000000000410'. Scan count 18, logical reads 338, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

    Table '#DownloadCode_______________________________________________________________________________________________________00000000040F'. Scan count 19, logical reads 165734, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 3, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

    Table 'Worktable'. Scan count 1, logical reads 50782, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

    SQL Server Execution Times:

    CPU time = 2502 ms, elapsed time = 818 ms.

    (25000 row(s) affected)

    (1000000 row(s) affected)

    Commented the TOP out of the UnassignedDLC cte and reran:

    (1000000 row(s) affected)

    (25000 row(s) affected)

    Table '#Members____________________________________________________________________________________________________________000000000412'. Scan count 9, logical reads 169, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

    Table '#DownloadCode_______________________________________________________________________________________________________000000000411'. Scan count 27, logical reads 90211, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

    Table 'Worktable'. Scan count 8, logical reads 50778, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

    SQL Server Execution Times:

    CPU time = 4106 ms, elapsed time = 2014 ms.

    (25000 row(s) affected)

    (1000000 row(s) affected)

  • Thanks Lynn. I'm going to have to take some time to figure this out, since I have never taken the time to figure out the new stuff like OVER().

    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.

  • No problem. The more you learn, the more effective you can be in solving your opportunities (other peoples problems).

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)

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