Any way to get table name''s trigger?

  • Hi agn' !

    I'm dinamically generating triggers for all the tables that has to be audited in the database.

    In the scope of a trigger... Is there any way I can retrieve the table name's trigger?

    Kind regards!

    PD: When finished, I swear I'll post my audit paradigm for the comunity

  • Miguel,

    When executing a trigger, you are in fact logically in a transaction. This means that there is a lock on at least one record of your table. You can check the locks of the current process:

    CREATE TRIGGER [ti_test] ON [dbo].[authors]



    DECLARE @sObjName varchar(255)

    select @sObjName  = object_name(rsc_objid)

      from master.dbo.syslockinfo

     where req_spid = @@spid

    EXEC master..xp_logevent 60000, @sObjName, informational

    and then, I could read my table name in the event log.

    Probably some finetuning is necessary to chech that you are verifying the correct lock. Index locks may exist, or additional object locks if your trigger logic is complex. You probably should check the lock type.

    Another problem is that there may be more then one trigger on the same table.

    Another direction to look for a solution might be extended properties

    Hope this helps


  • Thanks Jan.

    Your idea is very intelligent, but I'm scared that this can hog my system pipe; and may be this could create some unconsitency if there are two triggers at once in the same table.

    I'll keep investigating.

    Thanks so 4 ya thoughs!

    PD: I love PL :p


  • you can get it from sysobjects using parent_obj:


    select object_name(parent_obj) as Tablename

    from sysobjects

    where  id = @@procid and xtype ='TR' 


    but I don't know why would you do that?  

    If you are 'generating' the trigger code, you definitely know the table name on the generator



    * Noel

  • I have a trigger on AuditTables containing table names to audit.

    When the user inserts a new table to be audited, a new trigger is created for the table name he/she inserted.


    May be is easyer to generate the trigger with the propper table name in it, instead of writing a generic one that works with everybody.... but for testing it would have been util (and fanzy) 8)

    C U!

    Thanks for your ideas

  • Correct! it is easier and more efficient to simply add the tableName at generation time.

    Now, what I consider no such a good Idea is to create the triggers on the fly


    • Instability may be generated due to unexpected sequecing
    • The final code in production is effectively untested (no QA nor unit test done)
    • The locking issues that may appear are totally unforseen

    Don't get me wrong, I do like the Idea of a Trigger generator, in fact that's I do. But everything has its time and place. The gererated code is done offline, then it is applied to a test and afterwards to a QA environment and finally rolled out to production



    * Noel

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