An Error Handling Template for 2005

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the content posted at

  • Nice example of the try catch and a standard error handler! I think this is the single best thing that they could have done for the T-SQL language.


  • Good article!!


    My Blog

  • To the novice DBA this definitely looks like something that would benefit our developers and to help a DBA get their feet wet with try/catch phrases.  However, as a novice, I was unable to determine from the article just how something like this is actually implemented.  I realize that this article is probably targeted toward more advanced DBAs/Developers but a short paragraph at the end of the article to help junior DBAs (and non programmers) understand how to get started with this would be excellent.  Thanks!

  • You should change dbcc inputbuffer something like that:

    SELECT t.[text]

    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests As r

    cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(Sql_handle) As t

    WHERE session_id = @@spid

    More better if you search in text the line of error using ERROR_LINE () function


  • I found a lot of mistakes and had to fix them in order to get this thing to work.

    On on line you are referencing an IDENTITY against a table that does not exists. The table in question is HIST_ERROR_LOG, I had to change it to ERROR_LOG. I found some other things that needed to be fixed, i.e. missing commas, ' instead of ". Aside from all that, this error handling template works great.

    Thank you very much.



  • I am new to SQL Server. Can someone tell me why (sometimes) when declaring variables the author uses @$prog instead of just @prog. What is the significance of the $ symbol in this context?

    Thank you

  • I am liking the new format although I am new to the .NET programming standard. I have many years experience in VB6 and lesser SQl versions than 2oo5. I have a question though that I cant seem to answer. How do you get the procedure to go back to the point of filaure and contiunue? Here is my scenario.

    I open a cursor and loop through all DB names. For each DB, I create the needed t-sql statement to backup the DB either full or transaction log depending on the time of day. We are always adding new clients to our DB server and they autmatically get added to teh next backup whe the job runs. If the error occurs, I need to have it go to the error handler, send and email using cdosysmail and return to the while loop and continue through the process. I had it sort of working but only in the SQL window. ONce it was scheduled as a job, it caused the job to fail.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    I have pasted the ugly version of the code below. It was much cleaner before I tried to resolve this issue.


    --EXEC sp_updatestats


    set nocount on


    alter procedure BU_DB


    PAss in the DB name and root folder at a later time.




    @folder varchar(50),

    @path Varchar(150),

    @fullpath varchar(200),

    @date_temp varchar(20),

    @time_temp varchar(20),

    @name varchar(40),

    @dbname varchar(50),

    @BU_FileName varchar(150),

    @bu_type char(1),

    @err int

    /* These are used to send the message in case of a failure or success */


    @static_msg varchar(3000),@data_info_msg varchar(8000),@closing_msg varchar(3000), @recipients varchar(350),

    @subject varchar(70),@from varchar(20)

    Select @from = ''

    Select @recipients=''

    Select @static_msg = 'This email is from our test environment and should be ignored by all except for the SQL DBA.'

    Select @Subject='Database Backup Failure Test Message'

    --Initialize the variable

    Select @err=0


    This cursor will be used to get all the db_names in the

    instance and act accordingly.


    declare DB_Cursor cursor


    select name from master..sysdatabases where name not in ('tempdb', 'model')

    for read only


    Get the current timestamp from the server.

    This is what we will use to timestamp the backup.


    select @date_temp = convert(varchar(20), getdate(),112)

    Select @time_temp = convert(varchar(20), getdate(),108)

    --create the proper name for the parent folder

    select @name = @date_temp +'_'+ left(@time_temp,2)+ substring(@time_temp,4,2)+ right(@time_temp,2)


    We will create the correct path. In the naming convention of the

    folder, we will wwant ot remove the seconds form the name. We want the

    seconds on the file name itself.

    Note: The root folder should be passed in using a variable. This will

    allow us to re-use the same code on all server instances. It can remain

    a constant variable if necessary.


    --select @path ='D:\MSSQLBU\BACKUP\'+left(@name,len(@name)-2)+'\'

    --select @path ='\\dkdodo\dave\'+left(@name,len(@name)-2)+'\'

    select @path ='\\Csdc01\dave\'+left(@name,8) + '\'--left(@name,len(@name)-2)+'\'

    --select @path ='e:\BackupFiles\Test_Servers\'+left(@name,len(@name)-2)+'\'


    Here is where we will open the cursor to loop through the

    database names and append them to the path.


    Open db_cursor

    /* Get the first row */

    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname


    Begin looping through the DBs and create the directories as needed.

    It will be the path plus the db name.




    --Print @dbname

    Select @fullpath = @path+@dbname+'\'

    --print @fullpath


    Check for the needed folder in the specified directory. This folder

    should reflect the current day. We will use a table variable and an

    extended stored proc to get the needed info.


    --Table variable to store the XP results to be queried

    declare @t1 table (fileExists bit,isDirectory bit,parentDirectoryExists bit)

    --Populate the table variable

    insert into @t1 exec xp_fileexist @fullpath

    if not exists(select * from @t1 where isDirectory >0)


    --Create the needed folder

    declare @command varchar(1000)

    set @command = 'mkdir ' + @fullpath

    exec @err = master..xp_cmdshell @command , no_output

    if @err != 0


    select @err=86 --resource not found

    Select @data_info_msg = 'The network resource '

    Select @data_info_msg = @data_info_msg+ ' Please verify the server is up and that the SLQ id has the needed permissions.'

    goto err_handler




    Once we have established that the directory exists then we will need

    to name and kick off the appropriate backup. The backup type will

    be based on the time of day.

    A fullbackup will be taken during the midnight hour.


    Select @bu_type = case when datepart(hh,getdate()) <=0 then 'F' else 'T' end

    select @BU_FileName = @path+@dbname +'\'+@dbname + '_'+@name + '_'+@bu_type+'.safe'

    --print @bu_type

    print @BU_FileName

    if @bu_type = 'F'


    --Full backup

    exec @err=master.dbo.xp_backup_database

    @database = @dbname,

    @GUID = N'CB58942F-140A-4D75-B7D5-4C0D80BE1E05',

    @filename = @BU_FileName,

    @backupname = @dbname,

    @desc = N'Backup set',

    @encryptionkey = N'test', @compressionlevel = 11,

    @comment = '',

    @with = N'SKIP', @with = N'STATS = 10'




    if @dbname !='master' and @dbname!='msdb'


    -- Transaction BU

    exec @err=master.dbo.xp_backup_log

    @database = @dbname,

    @GUID = N'C12712A5-6952-436A-9629-B07995218E78',

    @filename = @BU_FileName,

    @backupname = @dbname,

    @desc = N'Backup set',

    @encryptionkey = N'test', @cryptlevel = 8, @compressionlevel = 11,

    @comment = '', @with = N'SKIP', @with = N'STATS = 10'




    The below error is thrown when an atempt is made to BU the trasnaction

    log without having taken a full BU first.


    if @err = 62309


    select @err=0

    Select @data_info_msg = 'The database backup for failed at ' + convert(varchar(20), getdate(),120)

    Select @data_info_msg = @data_info_msg+ 'with the following error: '

    Select @data_info_msg = @data_info_msg+'BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup.'

    exec @err= master..sp_send_cdosysmail @from,@recipients,@subject,@data_info_msg, @bodytype='HTMLBody'

    goto get_next


    else if @err !=0


    goto err_handler



    --Get the next record

    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname



    CLOSE db_cursor

    DEALLOCATE db_cursor

    --Bail out



    if @err=86 --path not found


    Select @data_info_msg = @Static_msg + char(10) + char(13)+@data_info_msg


    -- else if @err = 62309

    -- Begin

    -- Select @data_info_msg = 'The database backup for failed at ' + convert(varchar(20), getdate(),120)

    -- Select @data_info_msg = @data_info_msg+ 'with the following error: '

    -- Select @data_info_msg = @data_info_msg+'BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup.'

    -- exec master..sp_send_cdosysmail @from,@recipients,@subject,@data_info_msg, @bodytype='HTMLBody'

    -- Select @err = 0

    -- goto get_next

    -- end

    else if @err=0


    Select @from = ''

    Select @recipients=''

    Select @static_msg = ' '

    Select @Subject=@@servername + 'Database Backups Were Successful - Test'




    Select @data_info_msg = 'The database backup for failed at ' + convert(varchar(20), getdate(),120)

    Select @data_info_msg = @data_info_msg+ 'This is a catch all error. I dont know what happened here.'

    Select @data_info_msg = @data_info_msg+'BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup.'

    exec @err=master..sp_send_cdosysmail @from,@recipients,@subject,@data_info_msg, @bodytype='HTMLBody'

    Select @err = 0

    goto get_next


    exec @err = master..sp_send_cdosysmail @from,@recipients,@subject,@data_info_msg, @bodytype='HTMLBody'

    goto clean_up



    set nocount off

    Kindest Regards,

    ** Obstacles are those frightening things that appear when we take our eyes off the goal. **

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