Always ensuring an output variable is padded to 7 characters

  • Hi there

    I have the following code which has to extract an number from a AccountNumber variable

    declare @AccountNumber varchar(20) = '8063#0018375'

    select SUBSTRING(@AccountNumber,CHARINDEX('#',@AccountNumber)+1,Len(@AccountNumber) - CHARINDEX('#',@AccountNumber))

    select Len(SUBSTRING(@AccountNumber,CHARINDEX('#',@AccountNumber)+1,Len(@AccountNumber) - CHARINDEX('#',@AccountNumber))) as FinalAccountNumber

    I need to ensure that Final Account Number is padded to 7 characters because i could have the following:


    declare @AccountNumber2 varchar(20) = '8063#018375'

    select SUBSTRING(@AccountNumber2,CHARINDEX('#',@AccountNumber2)+1,Len(@AccountNumber) - CHARINDEX('#',@AccountNumber2))

    select Len(SUBSTRING(@AccountNumber2,CHARINDEX('#',@AccountNumber2)+1,Len(@AccountNumber) - CHARINDEX('#',@AccountNumber2))) as FinalAccountNumber

    Where the length of Final Account Number is 6 characters

    How can I ensure that Final Account Numbers will always be padded to 7 characters using leading zeros


  • You can add padding to the start/end of the value, then use left/right to get the required length

    DECLARE @AccountNumber2 varchar(20) = '8063#018375';
    DECLARE @PaddingChar char(1) = 'x'; -- Change your padding character here
    DECLARE @RequiredLen int = 7; -- Change the padded length here

    SELECT FinalAccountNumber = SUBSTRING( @AccountNumber2, CHARINDEX( '#', @AccountNumber2 ) + 1, LEN( @AccountNumber2 ) - CHARINDEX( '#', @AccountNumber2 ) )
    , LeftPaddedFinalAccountNumber = RIGHT(REPLICATE( @PaddingChar, @RequiredLen ) + SUBSTRING( @AccountNumber2, CHARINDEX( '#', @AccountNumber2 ) + 1, LEN( @AccountNumber2 ) - CHARINDEX( '#', @AccountNumber2 )), @RequiredLen)
    , RightPaddedFinalAccountNumber = LEFT(SUBSTRING( @AccountNumber2, CHARINDEX( '#', @AccountNumber2 ) + 1, LEN( @AccountNumber2 ) - CHARINDEX( '#', @AccountNumber2 )) + REPLICATE( @PaddingChar, @RequiredLen ), @RequiredLen);


  • Thanks Des


    If i wanted to extract the left part of this (8063)   and pad to 4 characters then how i would change the above please?


  • Weegee2017 wrote:

    Hi there I have the following code which has to extract an number from a AccountNumber variable declare @AccountNumber varchar(20) = '8063#0018375' select SUBSTRING(@AccountNumber,CHARINDEX('#',@AccountNumber)+1,Len(@AccountNumber) - CHARINDEX('#',@AccountNumber)) select Len(SUBSTRING(@AccountNumber,CHARINDEX('#',@AccountNumber)+1,Len(@AccountNumber) - CHARINDEX('#',@AccountNumber))) as FinalAccountNumber I need to ensure that Final Account Number is padded to 7 characters because i could have the following:   declare @AccountNumber2 varchar(20) = '8063#018375' select SUBSTRING(@AccountNumber2,CHARINDEX('#',@AccountNumber2)+1,Len(@AccountNumber) - CHARINDEX('#',@AccountNumber2)) select Len(SUBSTRING(@AccountNumber2,CHARINDEX('#',@AccountNumber2)+1,Len(@AccountNumber) - CHARINDEX('#',@AccountNumber2))) as FinalAccountNumber Where the length of Final Account Number is 6 characters How can I ensure that Final Account Numbers will always be padded to 7 characters using leading zeros  

    How many rows per batch are you going to need to do this for?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • WITH myTable AS (SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('3#5'),('8063#0018375'),('8063#018375'),('063#018375'),('063invalid018375')) X(AccountNumber)) 
    SELECT myTable.AccountNumber,
    RIGHT('0000'+LEFT(myTable.AccountNumber,CHARINDEX('#',myTable.AccountNumber)-1),4) PaddedLeftAccountNumber,
    RIGHT('0000000'+REVERSE(LEFT(T.RevAccountNumber,CHARINDEX('#', T.RevAccountNumber)-1)),7) PaddedRightAccountNumber
    FROM myTable
    CROSS APPLY(VALUES (REVERSE(myTable.AccountNumber))) T(RevAccountNumber)
    WHERE myTable.AccountNumber LIKE '%#%'
  • You can do this easily with string functions, but it’s still a stinking kludge caused by bad design. Most of the work in SQL is done in the DDL, and not include use in the DML like you’re trying to do. If your account number is truly seven digits, then follow “Brent’s Rule” which says that you store data the way you use it and you use it the way it’s stored.

    CREATE TABLE Accounts

    (acct_nbr CHAR(7) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY

    CHECK(acct_nbr LIKE ‘[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]’),


    Multiple data elements should never be embedded in each other -- ever hear of First Normal Form (1NF)?


    Please post DDL and follow ANSI/ISO standards when asking for help. 

  • ;WITH myTable AS (SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('3#5'),('8063#0018375'),('8063#018375'),('063#018375'),('063invalid018375')) X(AccountNumber)) 
    FROM myTable t
    CHARINDEX('#', t.AccountNumber) AS sepPos,
    LEN(t.AccountNumber) AS accLen
    ) sp
    RIGHT('0000' + LEFT(t.AccountNumber,sp.sepPos-1),4) AS LeftMostAccountNumberPart,
    RIGHT('0000000' + RIGHT(t.AccountNumber,sp.accLen-sp.sepPos),7) AS RightMostAccountNumberPart
    ) lrp
    lrp.LeftMostAccountNumberPart + '#' + lrp.RightMostAccountNumberPart AS AdjustedAccountID
    ) fp
    WHERE t.AccountNumber LIKE '%#%'

    This is just a slightly different version that use CROSS APPLY to produce intermediate calculations - which might make it easier to follow along (or maybe not).... 🙂


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by  kaj.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by  kaj.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by  kaj.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by  kaj.
  • ;WITH myTable AS (SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('3#5'),('8063#0018375'),('8063#018375'),('063#018375'),('063invalid018375')) X(AccountNumber)) 
    FROM myTable t
    CHARINDEX('#', t.AccountNumber) AS sepPos,
    LEN(t.AccountNumber) AS accLen
    ) sp
    RIGHT('0000' + LEFT(t.AccountNumber,sp.sepPos-1),4) AS LeftMostAccountNumberPart,
    RIGHT('0000000' + RIGHT(t.AccountNumber,sp.accLen-sp.sepPos),7) AS RightMostAccountNumberPart
    ) lrp
    lrp.LeftMostAccountNumberPart + '#' + lrp.RightMostAccountNumberPart AS AdjustedAccountID
    ) fp
    WHERE t.AccountNumber LIKE '%#%'


  • One must apparently be very careful with certain words here. I posted a reply which I subsequently edited to include a comment about me a busing (one word) CROSS APPLY to produce intermediate results, and suddenly the post was removed because it was considered SPAM.  It could still be edited and updated, but even after I paraphased it, the post still remains marked as SPAM.

    I assume it's because of some automatic, not very intelligent, code is monitoring the content and has found that that word is indicative of SPAM and removed the post on behalf of the editor, not to look at it again.

  • ;WITH SampleData AS (
    SELECT * FROM (VALUES (''),('3#5'),('8063#0018375'),('8063#018375'),
    ('063#018375'),('063invalid018375')) Data(AccountNumber)
    SELECT AccountNumber, RIGHT('000000' + SUBSTRING(AccountNumber,
    NULLIF(CHARINDEX('#', AccountNumber), 0) + 1, 10), 7) AS FinalAccountNumber
    FROM SampleData

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by  ScottPletcher.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • jcelko212 32090 wrote:

    You can do this easily with string functions, but it’s still a stinking kludge caused by bad design. Most of the work in SQL is done in the DDL, and not include use in the DML like you’re trying to do. If your account number is truly seven digits, then follow “Brent’s Rule” which says that you store data the way you use it and you use it the way it’s stored. CREATE TABLE Accounts (acct_nbr CHAR(7) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CHECK(acct_nbr LIKE ‘[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]’), ...); Multiple data elements should never be embedded in each other -- ever hear of First Normal Form (1NF)?  

    Please post a link for the "Brent's Rule" that you've cited.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Jeff Moden wrote:

    jcelko212 32090 wrote:

    You can do this easily with string functions, but it’s still a stinking kludge caused by bad design. Most of the work in SQL is done in the DDL, and not include use in the DML like you’re trying to do. If your account number is truly seven digits, then follow “Brent’s Rule” which says that you store data the way you use it and you use it the way it’s stored. CREATE TABLE Accounts (acct_nbr CHAR(7) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CHECK(acct_nbr LIKE ‘[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]’), ...); Multiple data elements should never be embedded in each other -- ever hear of First Normal Form (1NF)?  

    Please post a link for the "Brent's Rule" that you've cited.

    Presumably Brent Ozar?  WAG, I guess, but often on his pages he'll include a "Brent's rule".

    Isn't the way data is stored irrelevant to how it's used/displayed!?  Dates nor times, for example, are stored in any format used or easily recognized by humans.

    No q that 1NF should be followed, and that this doesn't.  But that's hardly unique among systems, however undesirable the practice is.


    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • Brent's point is that temporal data should be kept in a temporal data type, numeric data in numeric data types, etc. And not those insane kludges we see where someone is using a BIGINT for a date, floating point for decimal values, strings for everything, etc. His rule is for the database tier, not the presentation layers.  I refer to columns with multiple data elements in them that have to be split out as "automobiles, squids and Lady Gaga" columns. If they had a valid descriptive name, then it would look like that.

    Please post DDL and follow ANSI/ISO standards when asking for help. 

  • Use this pattern to pad your values

    DECLARE @PaddingChar char(1) = 'x'; -- Change your padding character here
    DECLARE @RequiredLen int = 7; -- Change the padded length here

    SELECT LeftPaddedFinalAccountNumber = RIGHT(REPLICATE( @PaddingChar, @RequiredLen ) + [[YourValueToBePaddedGoesHere]], @RequiredLen)
    , RightPaddedFinalAccountNumber = LEFT([[YourValueToBePaddedGoesHere]] + REPLICATE( @PaddingChar, @RequiredLen ), @RequiredLen);

    You could even create a function to do it for you

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.PadValue (
    @ValueToPad nvarchar(1000) -- This is the initial value to be padded
    , @PaddingChar nchar(1) -- This is the character to use for padding
    , @RequiredLen int -- This is the final length of the padded value
    , @AllowTruncate bit -- If 1, this will LEFT|RIGHT trim @ValueToPad if it is longer than @RequiredLen
    SELECT LeftPaddedValue = CASE WHEN LEN(@ValueToPad) >= @RequiredLen AND @AllowTruncate = 0 THEN @ValueToPad
    ELSE RIGHT(REPLICATE( @PaddingChar, @RequiredLen ) + @ValueToPad, @RequiredLen)
    , RightPaddedValue = CASE WHEN LEN(@ValueToPad) >= @RequiredLen AND @AllowTruncate = 0 THEN @ValueToPad
    ELSE LEFT(@ValueToPad + REPLICATE( @PaddingChar, @RequiredLen ), @RequiredLen)


    Use the function to pad the value of a variable

    DECLARE @AccountNumber2 varchar(20) = '8063#018375';

    DECLARE @FinalAccountNumber varchar(20) = SUBSTRING( @AccountNumber2, CHARINDEX( '#', @AccountNumber2 ) + 1, LEN( @AccountNumber2 ) - CHARINDEX( '#', @AccountNumber2 ) )

    SELECT LeftPaddedValue, RightPaddedValue
    FROM dbo.PadValue(@FinalAccountNumber, 'x', 7, 0)

    Use the function to pad the values from a table

    INSERT INTO #TestData ( AccountNumber2 )
    VALUES ( '8063#018375' )
    , ( '8564#18375' )
    , ( '9067#8375' )
    , ( '9568#75' );

    SELECT td.AccountNumber2, pv.LeftPaddedValue, pv.RightPaddedValue
    FROM #TestData AS td
    CROSS APPLY dbo.PadValue(SUBSTRING( td.AccountNumber2, CHARINDEX( '#', td.AccountNumber2 ) + 1, LEN( td.AccountNumber2 ) - CHARINDEX( '#', td.AccountNumber2 ) ), 'x', 7, 0) AS pv

    SELECT td.AccountNumber2, pv.LeftPaddedValue, pv.RightPaddedValue
    FROM #TestData AS td
    CROSS APPLY dbo.PadValue(SUBSTRING( td.AccountNumber2, CHARINDEX( '#', td.AccountNumber2 ) + 1, LEN( td.AccountNumber2 ) - CHARINDEX( '#', td.AccountNumber2 ) ), 'x', 5, 1) AS pv


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by  DesNorton. Reason: Added use cases for the function

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