Adding a value to a 'datetime' column caused overf

  • I have a view and a table that I want to summarize the values in the view based on an ID field and date field in the table.

    My statement is as follows:

    SELECT dbo.Progress_Notes.Consumer_Id,


    COUNT(dbo.vw_Consumer_Assessments.Assessment_ID) AS NumAssessments, SUM(dbo.vw_Consumer_Assessments.Submitted) AS NumAccepted, SUM(dbo.vw_Consumer_Assessments.Accepted) AS NumSubmitted

    FROM dbo.vw_Consumer_Assessments

    INNER JOIN dbo.Progress_Notes

    ON dbo.vw_Consumer_Assessments.ConsumerID = dbo.Progress_Notes.Consumer_Id

    AND dbo.vw_Consumer_Assessments.Date_of_Assessment >=

    DATEADD(m, - 6, dbo.Progress_Notes.Date_)

    AND dbo.vw_Consumer_Assessments.Date_of_Assessment <= dbo.Progress_Notes.Date_

    GROUP BY dbo.Progress_Notes.Progress_Notes_Id, dbo.Progress_Notes.Consumer_Id

    I keep getting this error:

    Server: Msg 517, Level 16, State 1, Line 95

    Adding a value to a 'datetime' column caused overflow.

    Any ideas on what I have wrong?


  • Check your data (dbo.Progress_Notes.Date_) the lowest date allowed (SQL7) is '1753-01-01'. Subtracting from a date that produces a value less than this will cause the error.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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