Access linked tables losing connection

  • We have an Access 2000 DB linked to SQL Server 7 tables through a file DSN. We are having a weird problem where 1 or 2 table links are forcing a 2nd login. When I relink the tables, it works fine...then after some time, it happens again. I double checked the security and permissions. Everything is fine, and all has been running smoothly until today - and we haven't changed anything even remotely related to these tables.

    Has anyone heard of a problem with the linked table manager in Access? Or do you have any other ideas?

    Thank you!

  • Havent seen this. I use Access2K, but not heavily. Did tons of work with Access 97, never saw that problem. Have you checked MSDN? Any chance the tables in question had been modified maybe, something to get Access curious?


  • I have modified some tables, but then I refreshed the link so the changes would show up. I just tried deleting the links, then completely adding them from scratch. We'll see if that works. Thank you so much for the quick response!

  • Have you tried using ODBC Passthrough Queries instead?


  • No I haven't because this is a new problem that suddenly popped up. Also, we are just beginning the process of redesigning the application. This is a very large app that was designed very poorly. I guess if I can't solve this problem easily, I will turn to the solution you offered.

    Thank you for the advice. Everyone in this community is so very helpful. Whenever I have a question, I get good answers - at lightning speed. I love this site!

  • We are having a similar problem. We have an Access 97 application connecting to a SQL Server 2000 database using a system DSN and Windows Authentication. We are having to manualy relink the tables each time the application is used ... then after some time, it happens again.

    Has anyone seen a resolution yet?


  • Deal All,

    We had the same problem that the linked Access DB gives error that 'table not found', we figured out that if we open the linked Access DB and try to access the Access DB from SQL server then links to some tables gets broken.

    hope This helps.

    Kind Regards,


  • Thanks Affan.

    We are still having the trouble. We are putting a trace on the database and the NT logins for the users that use the Access application. When the program is started up new, there is not connection activity showing up on the trace. After we relink the tables on the Access side the activity starts. The Access application functions properly for a while. After a while the connections are lost and the user receives errors back from their Access application. We show and audit logout in the SQL Trace and there is no subsequent activity until the tables are relinked.

    It has us stumped so far. Thanks for your help.


  • I have also had this problem, I think it strted occurring with an upgrade of MDAC in Access 97. We dynamically linked our tables when the database opened by reading the connection strings from a table. It ended up that we had to change the syntax of the connection strings slightly to make it work. Unfortunately I can't recall what the change was. But to solve the problem, you could write a very simple module that dropped all attached tables and then re-attached them and then call the function from the autoexec macro. (Yes, unfortunately I have spent a lot of time working in Access!!)

  • I have also had this problem, I think it strted occurring with an upgrade of MDAC in Access 97. We dynamically linked our tables when the database opened by reading the connection strings from a table. It ended up that we had to change the syntax of the connection strings slightly to make it work. Unfortunately I can't recall what the change was. But to solve the problem, you could write a very simple module that dropped all attached tables and then re-attached them and then call the function from the autoexec macro. (Yes, unfortunately I have spent a lot of time working in Access!!)

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