A case with GROUP BY

  • Hi,

    First I want to thank everybody in this forum. I always learn new things here.

    I am facing a problem with grouping of data with GROUP BY clause.

    I have a table with the following data structure which is used to hold sales data.


    Sample data for ItemSales

    SaleDateTime ItemCode

    27 Sept 2008 09:30:00 1

    27 Sept 2008 09:45:00 1

    28 Sept 2008 10:10:00 1

    28 Sept 2008 11:45:00 1

    28 Sept 2008 13:17:00 1

    28 Sept 2008 14:50:00 1

    Now what I want is how many items were sold each day

    That is the output for the above data will be

    SaleDate SaleCount

    27 Sept 2008 2

    28 Sept 2008 4

    Actually I need to perform group by only on the Date portion of a datetime field.

    Can someone please help me to carryout this?

    Thanks in advance.


  • Try this:



    DECLARE @t TABLE (SaleDate DATETIME, ItemCode INT)

    INSERT INTO @t (SaleDate, ItemCode) SELECT '27-09-2008 09:30:00',1

    INSERT INTO @t (SaleDate, ItemCode) SELECT '27-09-2008 09:45:00',1

    INSERT INTO @t (SaleDate, ItemCode) SELECT '28-09-2008 10:10:00',1

    INSERT INTO @t (SaleDate, ItemCode) SELECT '28-09-2008 11:45:00',1

    INSERT INTO @t (SaleDate, ItemCode) SELECT '28-09-2008 13:17:00',1

    INSERT INTO @t (SaleDate, ItemCode) SELECT '28-09-2008 14:50:00',1


    DATEADD(d, 0, DATEDIFF(d, 0, SaleDate) ) AS SaleDate,

    COUNT(ItemCode) AS Sales

    FROM @t

    GROUP BY DATEADD(d, 0, DATEDIFF(d, 0, SaleDate) )


    SaleDate Sales

    ----------------------- -----------

    2008-09-27 00:00:00.000 2

    2008-09-28 00:00:00.000 4



  • Why do summersaults with the date like that? The convert() function works well. One of my favorite uses is for the 'YYYYMMDD' output using 112 as the input "style" argument. See BOL for other output formats.


    convert( varchar(8), date_column, 112 )


    from table_name

    group by convert( varchar(8), date_column, 112 )

  • There was a mistake in my original query and I have corrected it. "DATEADD(d, 0, DATEDIFF(d, 0, SaleDate) )" will remove the TIME portion from a DATETIME value and will be much more efficient than a CONVERT or CAST.


  • Sprocking,

    the use of DATEADD and DATEDIFF functions looks a bit strange at first, but is more efficient - and also more flexible. Once you learn how it works, you may modify it easily to discard only minutes or seconds, to get first day of next month, or the date of next Friday and many similar things. I like this flexibility and that's why I prefer DATEADD - but of course CONVERT can be used as well. On small tables the difference in perfomance is negligible.

  • SprocKing (9/29/2008)

    Why do summersaults with the date like that? The convert() function works well. One of my favorite uses is for the 'YYYYMMDD' output using 112 as the input "style" argument. See BOL for other output formats.


    convert( varchar(8), date_column, 112 )


    from table_name

    group by convert( varchar(8), date_column, 112 )

    Why cast a value as VARCHAR when it's always going to have the same number of characters?

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  • Vladan (9/29/2008)


    the use of DATEADD and DATEDIFF functions looks a bit strange at first, but is more efficient - and also more flexible. Once you learn how it works, you may modify it easily to discard only minutes or seconds, to get first day of next month, or the date of next Friday and many similar things. I like this flexibility and that's why I prefer DATEADD - but of course CONVERT can be used as well. On small tables the difference in perfomance is negligible.

    Thanks! I'll put in my research queue.

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