A brief history of SSIS evolution

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item A brief history of SSIS evolution

  • Good summary.

    A quick note about SSDT for VS2022 – as far as I know, there is not yet any support for extensions which support SSIS (or SSAS/SSRS). It will probably be several months before that happens.

  • Hi Daniel,

    In your last paragraph, you suggest that Microsoft may suspend development of SSIS in favor of Azure Data Factory. I was under the impression that ADF doesn't do on-premises and is only for the Azure cloud environment. Is that incorrect? The company I work for doesn't have any Azure resources and I've not really investigated it. We do use AWS and some of our clients have other cloud providers. What are your thoughts on ADF with on-premises and other cloud providers?


    Just learning about Sql Server and other databases since 1998.

  • Microsoft wants to move everything to the Cloud. So, it will push in the future and encourage to move the IT infrastructure to the Cloud. I do not think, they plan to move things from the Cloud to the On-premisses world.


  • They can want and they can push. That doesn't mean it's going to happen. There are too many companies and indeed, people who will want tighter control over their data and their processes. Either because of security concerns, real or imagined, or just because they are control freaks. I'm in this group myself. 🙂

    So, I don't know if you have a relationship with insiders at Microsoft to be able to answer this question but speculate for a moment. What do you think the likelihood is Microsoft will add capability for ADF to access other cloud providers and integrate seamlessly in an on-premises only environment?


    Just learning about Sql Server and other databases since 1998.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by  rlDawson_SLC.
  • Good article. To master a platform like SSIS, it's important to understand it's evolution and to be at least somewhat familiar with the various iterations of the toolset. You never know when accepting a gig to develop or troubleshoot SSIS packages lands you in a position where you are working with a legacy version of SQL Server, and you need to quickly ramp up.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • Richard, (rlDawson_SLC) You can access data outside of Azure (like on-prem SQL) by installing something called Integration Runtime on a server on-prem.  You then connect the Integration Runtime to ADF and then ADF can get to the on-prem servers that you have given it access to.  You can then copy data between on-prem and Azure.  You could also use it to copy on-prem to on-prem data but you'd probably want to use SSIS instead.  You can also copy AWS to Azure

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by  DNA_DBA.
  • I understand that Microsoft has adopted a cloud first strategy and wants its customers to move everything to azure. However, products like ADF don't offer the rich functionality of mature on prem products like SSIS.  In addition, ADF is much more difficult to use and learn than SSIS because the product is constantly being changed. Why does Microsoft seem to use terminology that is convoluted. For example, in ADF, they created a term called "sink" when they could have simply used a term like "destination" that everyone understands. Also, in the past, people could learn to use SQL Server and its business intelligence applications (SSIS, SSAS and SSRS) by downloading a free developer copy. How does one even learn and apply Azure tools like ADF without paying fees to Microsoft?  I think Microsoft needs to rethink this strategy and create free sandbox environments for new developers to use.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Cool article - a walk down memory lane for me - or not so much a memory sometimes, when needing to troubleshoot misbehaving SSIS packages from pre SSISDB days!

    The whole 'SSDT version x' for 'SQL version y' thing I've seen cause issues a few times, also. Thankfully not so bad these days, with TargetServerVersion deployment property in VS, and the actual package format version not changing for since 2014.

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