Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Return row number without using IDENTITY RE: Return row number without using IDENTITY

  • OK, MS is out of date; using a subquery is faster. Like this:

    Select t.tname, t.tid,


    Select count(t1.tid)

    From #test t1

    where t1.tName < t.tName--This is where you signify the rank order

    ) NameRank

    From #test t

    ----------------Test Data------------------

    if object_ID('tempdb..#test') is not null drop table #test

    create table #test (Tid int identity, tname char(3) Not Null Primary Key)

    Insert #test Values ('ZZZ')

    Insert #test Values ('GGG')

    Insert #test Values ('HHH')

    Insert #test Values ('III')

    Insert #test Values ('DDD')

    Insert #test Values ('CCC')

    Insert #test Values ('BBB')

    Insert #test Values ('AAA')

    Signature is NULL