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I need some help to optimize this query as it runs in many threads in an over night, and it pegs CP…
13 replies
By: Bruin
How to merge two tables with unlike fields. I have two table with one unlike field that I need to s…
3 replies
Hi, yesterday I had to update several rows of a table. The rows for update where selected by a sele…
11 replies
I have a table like below ID Ident source val opendate closedate IsActive ------------------…
6 replies
I have a couple of databases One would be regarded as the source and another as the destinat…
2 replies
Is the below with nested multi-line comments valid T-SQL code? I thought no because it has nested M…
4 replies
Hi All, Not sure why I'm hung up on this, but I am..... I have a table called "ClientCases" This ta…
4 replies
From this link -…
2 replies
I've got some code that is supposed to generate a unique key by prefixing an integer with a single …
3 replies
Hi everyone, I have a table as below, I would like to strip out the commas in the oppo_SCRMcompetit…
4 replies
I have a task to check the connection managers as part of ssis integration project, now the package…
5 replies
Hi there! This should make some eyes roll for some of you DBA's out there. Disclaimer: I am n…
3 replies
Hi, We have 4 stps. the flow of the stored procedure (stp) is as below stp A is main stp that is ca…
9 replies
NOTE: I get that this may be too broad a question to answer and if so just say that, I get it. I do…
2 replies
I have a string_agg line in my code that is bringing back hundreds of duplicates in my service_cd f…
12 replies
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