Blog Post

Ways to access data in ADLS Gen2


With data lakes becoming popular, and Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS) Gen2 being used for many of them, a common question I am asked about is “How can I access data in ADLS Gen2 instead of a copy of the data in another product (i.e. Azure SQL Data Warehouse)?”. The benefits of accessing ADLS Gen2 directly is less ETL, less cost, to see if the data in the data lake has value before making it part of ETL, for a one-time report, for a data scientist who wants to use the data to train a model, or for using a compute solution that points to ADLS Gen2 to clean your data. While these are all valid reasons, you still want to have a relational database (see Is the traditional data warehouse dead?). The trade-off in accessing data directly in ADLS Gen2 is slower performance, limited concurrency, limited data security (no row-level, column-level, dynamic data masking, etc) and the difficulty in accessing it compared to accessing a relational database.

Since ADLS Gen2 is just storage, you need other technologies to copy data to it or to read data in it. Here are some of the options:

The main thing to consider when determining the technology to use to access data in ADLS Gen2 is the skillset of the end user and the ease of use of the tool. T-SQL is easiest, but currently the Microsoft products have some limitations on when T-SQL can be used.

Note that if you are looking for info on how to access the Common Data Model (CDM) which stores the data in ADLS Gen2, check out my blog post Common Data Model.

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