Blog Post

Using Flyway with Feature Flags


There is a nice article at on their use of feature flags and how they deployed their next generation experience. It’s worth a read if you want to improve your database deployment experience, especially if you want to control how and when you release to customers.

Redgate Flyway logo_vertical_RGB_REDA nice bonus is that they mention Flyway as a tool to help them manage database code changes. Hint from me is that you can use Flyway to not only help manage DDL changes but also DML changes as well.

I talk about this in my Architecting Zero Downtime Database Deployments talk. Most of the time when you have changes that might disrupt users, take a lot of time, or require coordination with different apps/systems, using feature flags and backwards compatible deployments is what makes zero downtime, or minimal downtime, possible. If your changes can’t be backwards compatible, you break the database changes into multiple steps that are backwards compatible.

Flyway makes it easy to ensure scripts run once, they are deployed as a group or individual transactions, and they run in order, so you can test your scripts in multiple environments.

I know I sound a little sales-y there, but Flyway is a fantastic tool and I was pro-purchase when Redgate bought the tool. I was also pushing to replace some other internally-developer deployment tech with Flyway in all our products, which we’ve done.

The big way Flyway supports feature flags is by ensuring you can break up your changes into separate scripts and limit when they run. This is best managed with branches in your VCS and PRs, but this also will be handled by the new Deployment Rules, which are in preview.

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