Combating the CXPacket Wait Type
Often, when DBAs are looking at total wait statistics on the servers they manage, CXPacket is at or near the top of...
2015-03-24 (first published: 2015-03-17)
7,438 reads
Often, when DBAs are looking at total wait statistics on the servers they manage, CXPacket is at or near the top of...
2015-03-24 (first published: 2015-03-17)
7,438 reads
When Fusion IO burst onto the scene in 2007, offering a PCIe card that was said to be able to...
2015-03-16 (first published: 2015-03-10)
6,023 reads
Imagine this scenario: One of your servers just crashed, and you open a ticket with Microsoft for them to perform...
1,889 reads
Databases and newborns have a lot in common. They both require constant care. They both require constant monitoring. They also...
2014-10-20 (first published: 2014-10-14)
7,020 reads
A while back I had written a post about why I’m excited about Hekaton (now called ‘In-Memory OLTP’ – not sure...
2014-09-22 (first published: 2014-09-17)
8,434 reads
In one of SQL Server Central’s recent daily newsletters, Steve Jones’s editorial was inquiring whether or not anyone has been...
1,160 reads
If you work in IT, the office becomes your second home. It’s where we make a living, and most of...
2014-03-11 (first published: 2014-02-28)
2,954 reads
I’m just a little late to the party, but no time like the present, right? I plan to be very...
628 reads
That guy or gal over there going on and on about spindles and IOPS – that’s your SAN admin. For the...
2014-02-17 (first published: 2014-02-12)
1,621 reads
If you administer a SQL Server Reporting Services server, chances are you’ve had users complain the report manager is loading...
4,095 reads
By Steve Jones
I started a short thread on Twitter/X and Bluesky recently after leaving the Tesla...
By Steve Jones
Life gets better as you replace transactions with relationships. – from Excellent Advice for...
I’ve been putting together a new PostgreSQL session called “Performance Monitoring for the Absolute...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Understanding Bit Manipulation Functions: BIT_COUNT,...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Mixed Backups
Hello, I ran below statements in MS SQL, and got error, but fine in...
I have a complex database with a few filegroups and files. Can I run a backup command like this? (assume file/filegroup names are valid).
BACKUP DATABASE [complex] FILE = N'thirdone' , FILE = N'thirdtwo' , FILEGROUP = N'second' TO DISK = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL16.SQL2022\MSSQL\Backup\complex.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'complex-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10 GOSee possible answers