Trigger Trivia Posted on SSC
A short article but interesting I think, with some good comments already. I think in general triggers are under used,...
575 reads
A short article but interesting I think, with some good comments already. I think in general triggers are under used,...
575 reads
We were lucky enough to have Joe come to Orlando to speak at SQLSaturday and we also talked him into...
797 reads
One of the things I discuss in my Successful Technical Speaking class (it's a
free class, usually once a quarter)...
603 reads
I'm just finishing up sending out thank you emails to the volunteers, speakers, and sponsors that helped make our first...
605 reads
I'll post Part III of Becoming a DBA tomorrow (meaning there will be two posts). Veterans' Day is typically celebrated...
611 reads
Work responsibilities took up my time on Thursday and Friday, so I never got around to posting. Here's the resources...
616 reads
As a DBA, most of us will also take care of test environment. However test servers usually cannot afford to...
373 reads
There was a time that I avoided bcp utility like the plague. A few years ago, we needed to set...
602 reads
We (End to End Training) will be hosting our Celko on SQL seminar tomorrow (Nov 9th). It's not too late...
682 reads
I happened to get an email asking me to vote for a product that was being featured in one of...
652 reads
By Steve Jones
amoransia – n. the melodramatic thrill of unrequited love; the longing to pine for...
By Steve Jones
One of the things that I like about the Data API Builder (DAB) is...
By DataOnWheels
Hey data friends! This blog is to discuss an edge case I’ve run into...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Technical Pain Behaviors
Hello, trying to call a powershell file I created, locally on the server, but...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Counting Bits
What does the BIT_COUNT function do in SQL Server?
See possible answers