Blog Post

Meme Monday – “I got 99 problems but a disk ain’t one”



Apparently “Meme Monday” was started by Thomas Larock (Blog | Twitter) , as a way for getting people writing. I haven’t been tagged or anything, I just thought that I’d gate crash the party. It was also Tuesday (here in New Zealand), when I seen this weeks subject, but as it’s still Monday in the States I guess I may make it in on a technicality.

So this weeks subject is “I got 99 problems but a disk ain’t one”, here’s nine non-disk related problems that can go wrong with databases – in no particular order :-

  1. My memory module just died.
  2. Somebody with SA rights just changed an sp_configure setting – and won’t admit it.
  3. Joe Bloggs is off sick today, and he’s the only one who knows anything about this system.
  4. My WAN linked just packed up on me.
  5. AD is having a few problems today – where are the infrastructure people – what they’re all out on a team day.
  6. Our application connections keep timing out.
  7. We need to restore from backup, we have a good backup. oh no, it was daylight saving yesterday and the clock on our backup software are out with the clock on our server.
  8. Our lead DBA just fell out with the manager big time and he’s trashed the servers!
  9. There was just a big earthquake, my server is underneath a pile of rubble – now, where’s the backups, forget that I’ve got more important personal issues to sort out.

I’ll try to catch that window next week when it’s Monday in both the USA and here in New Zealand.

Have a good day,




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