Blog Post

Friday Flyway Tips: More Config Options


Working with various Flyway configuration options used to be a pain since they were either CLI parameters or in a text files. We’ve made editing these easier in Flyway 6.5.4.

I’ve been working with Flyway Desktop for work more and more as we transition from older SSMS plugins to the standalone tool. This series looks at some tips I’ve gotten along the way.

All the Options

Maybe not all, but most and certainly more.

In the Schema Model tab, there is a button that says “Static data & comparisons”. I don’t love the UX, but there’s a lot of stuff to show here, and this is really relevant here, which is where we start using these options: when we get the object definition.

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If you click this, you’ll see a dialog pop up, with any tables where you are tracking static (or reference/lookup) data. There are two other tabs: comparison options and data options.

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Clicking comparison options shows you the options for schema comparison. Essentially the options for SQL Compare (for SQL Server), Schema Compare for Oracle (for Oracle), or Redgate Compare (everything else). You can toggle these on or off by clicking checkboxes.

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Likewise, there are the static data comparison options, equivalent to project settings in Data Compare.

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There are still a lot of options, and these can be confusing. Knowing what is set and choosing those isn’t simple, but it is easier than trying to edit these in a config file.

Try it out today. If you haven’t worked with Flyway Desktop, download it today. There is a free version that organizes migrations and paid versions with many more features.

Video Walkthrough

I made a quick video showing this as well. You can watch it below, or check out all the Flyway videos I’ve added:

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