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Advice I Like: Apologies


How to apologize: quickly, specifically, sincerely. Don’t ruin an apology with an excuse – from Excellent Advice for Living

This is great advice. I remember myself often saying “I’m sorry, but …”, which takes away from the I’m sorry. In fact, I wasn’t really sorry.

I’ve learned to just apologize. No excuses, no qualifications, just apologize for what you (or often, I), did. Leave it at that.

I’ve been posting New Words on Fridays from a book I was reading, however, a friend thought they were a little depressing. They should be as they are obscure sorrows. I like them because they make me think.

To counter-balance those, I’m adding in thoughts on advice, mostly from Kevin Kelley’s book. You can read all these posts under the advice tag.

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