Blog Post

A New Word: Emodox


emodox – someone whose mood is perpetually out of sync with everyone else around them, prone to feelings of naptime panic, heart-to-heart snark, or dance club pensiveness.

I had to look up pensiveness as I wasn’t completely sure what this means. It is deep serious thoughtfulness, which is something I certainly engage in at times.

In general, I am often in touch with what’s happening around me and I can be in sync with the moods and situation. I tend to be empathetic, and deep feelings from others cause me to react. Certainly I misread things, but I’m not out of sync.


There are times when I experience this, and I’m very, very uncomfortable. With family, or with my wife, I can let them know. If I’m in other situations, I might just walk away and leave, or linger outside of whatever is going on around me. I can be snarky and snappy, which isn’t a great reaction, which is why I have learned to try and extract myself from situations when I feel this.

From the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

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