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As I type this, we’re leaving behind spring, and all the amazing events that...

Polyglot Persistence


I’ve seen the term polyglot persistence floating around Redgate a bit recently in the...

Six Months!


Oh good gosh. Six months without a single blog post. Most important information: I’m...

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Removing Filestream - How?

By amy26

Hello, we are migrating our SQL Server database and one of the tasks is...

YTD Not working

By SSCNewbee

Hi All Please see the below screen shot, YTD column is nit working. Showing...

Unknown queries showing in SQL Sentry tool

By Sridhar-137443

Hi. we are noticing this following query frequently in our production environment in SQL...

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Question of the Day

A Lack of Memory Grant Feedback Persistence

SQL Server has added an Intelligent Query Processing feature called Memory Grant Feedback. In SQL Server 2022, this can be persisted across queries to improve the performance of future executions. In SQL Server 2022, when is memory grant feedback not persisted if the plan is evicted from cache? (choose 2)

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