Second Chances: PASS Community Choice Sessions
Recently I found out that my PASS presentation submission ‘Policy-Based Management’ has a second chance to be accepted for the...
790 reads
Recently I found out that my PASS presentation submission ‘Policy-Based Management’ has a second chance to be accepted for the...
790 reads
At work recently, I explained to a coworker the reasons and benefits of having databases in Simple mode in your...
925 reads
This is just a quick note to let everyone know I’ve uploaded the project files from my Pragmatic Works webinar...
607 reads
Whether you know it or not, Policy-Based Management is an integral part of the new release of SQL Server “Denali”....
1,383 reads
Updating Resume is NOT Lulz
Wow, it’s been a crazy last couple of months with LulzSec running around doing what they...
1,515 reads
Ah DTS packages…they suck. Seriously, it’s 2011. It’s been over a decade and we still have SQL 2000 and DTS...
854 reads
Prayer Cat Prays
Well not THE Bible, but rather the SQL Server Bible! I’m incredibly excited and proud to say I’ll...
546 reads
If you've ever spent any time doing SSIS development work, you'll eventually come to a point when developing something and...
1,424 reads
Just wanted to post a quick note/invitation to everyone to come join us on Thursday, May 12th from 5:45-7:00 for...
364 reads
Much like Tim “The Toolman” Taylor had his themed weeks, we’re going to do something similar. This week we salute:...
642 reads
I’ve covered how to create Elastic Jobs in the portal (this one is important...
By Steve Jones
redesis – n. a feeling of queasiness while offering someone advice, knowing they might...
By Steve Jones
The Solutions Engineers at Redgate recently released an Introduction to Redgate Flyway Autopilot course...
I know in the past this wasn't possible but maybe that's changed as SQL...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item No End to Programmers
Hi there to all SQL gurus So, here is the scenario. I have a...
What is the result of this query in SQL Server 2022+?
select bit_count('7')See possible answers