Technical Article

UDF for date ranges around a given date (updated)

UDF - SQL 2000 and higherThis function returns an 18 row table of date ranges around a given date.The ranges are: Day, Week (Sunday to Saturday), Month, Quarter, Half Year, Year.For each range there are 3 values: Previous, Same and NextExample of usage:Joined to an orders table:Select r.period, count(o.order_id)from orders oinner join dbo.ufn_date_ranges('2003-04-01') ron o.order_date […]

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2007-04-12 (first published: )

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Incremental Statistics

I have run this on SQL Server 2022 for the Sales database:

I then run this in the Sales database:
USE Sales
CREATE STATISTICS CustomerStats1 ON dbo.Customer (CustomerKey, EmailAddress) WITH INCREMENTAL = OFF
The dbo.Customer table is partitioned. How are statistics created?

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