Customizable Footer Credits Are Here
Whether it's "Made with love and WordPress" or "Bob Ross rocks," you can now customize footer credits on your website.
1 reads
Whether it's "Made with love and WordPress" or "Bob Ross rocks," you can now customize footer credits on your website.
1 reads
2 reads
Taking advantage of our free site offer for your WordPress community? Here are some new templates you can use.
1 reads
2 reads
Newsletters? Spam protection? Image galleries? We have you covered, no plugin needed.
2 reads
2 reads
My last post had a lot of information about the new .NET PowerShell notebooks including installation instructions. .NET Notebooks are Jupyter Notebooks that use .NET core to enable C#,...
2021-04-28 (first published: 2020-02-22)
251 reads
Automation T-SQL Tuesday was started by Adam Machanic (blog|twitter) is hosted by a different person each month. The host selects the theme, and then the blogging begins. worldwide, on...
2020-09-16 (first published: 2020-09-09)
464 reads
Following on from my posts about using Secret Management Good bye Import-CliXml and running programmes as a different user, I have another use case. After creating Azure SQL Databases...
2020-09-01 (first published: 2020-08-21)
527 reads
Microsoft Teams is fantastic for collaboration. It enables groups of people, teams if you like to be able to communicate, collaborate on documents, hold meetings and much much more....
2020-08-06 (first published: 2020-07-28)
836 reads
By Steve Jones
I can’t remember how I heard about Small Data SF 2024, but it caught...
By Steve Jones
moledro – n. a feeling of resonant connection with an author or artist you’ll...
By Arun Sirpal
Let’s go back to data platforms today and I want to talk about a...
I have data that contains poll results, with the poll_id consistuting a single row...
Hi everyone. I am re-writing a portion of my SSIS logic. My SSIS package...
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How are the statistics for query optimization stored in SQL Server?
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